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Before the glass reached Anna's lips she felt a hand stop hers from moving any farther

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Before the glass reached Anna's lips she felt a hand stop hers from moving any farther.

"Don't." Harry said from behind her. "You don't need it."

"You don't know what I need Harry." She replied laying her head on her hand.

"I know you dont need to get drunk, and I know that you do need to get away from the bar." Harry said knowing of Anna's problem with alcohol. Zayn had explained what he saw at Anna's house the other day and had warned him to look out for her. "What you need is to get out on the dance floor and shake your perfect little ass."

A small smile made its way onto Anna's face as she heard the playful tone in his voice. "And who's gonna go with me?" She said turning to Harry who was leaning over with one arm on the bar, "Kendall seems a little occupied." She said nodding towards Kendall who was dancing with the guy she had earlier.

"Me." Harry shrugged.

"You?" Anna replied raising her eyebrow slightly.

"Yea come on." He said holding out his hand to her. She took his hand and he led her out to the dance floor.

The squeezed their way into the crowd where people were dancing and began to sway to the music. Harry stood behind Anna as the songs changed from one to another.

As he watched Anna dance in front of him he felt the need to reach out for her. He needed to be closer to her, but he was too worried about how that may affect their healing relationship.

As if it was a sign for him to reach out to her, someone bumped into him causing him to fall towards her, pushing his front onto her back.

When she didn't try to move away Harry put his hands on her hips and looked for any sign that she didn't want this. She placed her hands on his and moved them to sit on her stomach,

Harry took that as a sign that she wanted this. He pressed his body into hers and matched her rhythm. Anna leaned her head back onto his shoulder giving Harry a good view of her bare neck. He was resisting the urge to put his lips on her neck. He didn't, not without her consent.

He tensed as he felt her move slightly away from him. Did she want him to stop? She turned around to face him, and removed her hands from his before putting them around the back of his neck. She took a step closer and put their bodies together again causing a smile to appear on Harrys face. His hands went back to her waist as they continued to sway to the music.

As they danced Anna threw her head back, which did not help Harrys difficult time resisting the urged to kiss her. As she slowly brought her head back up Harry started to migrate his hand lower, trailing down her thigh and back up to to rest on her butt.

A smile made its way on to Anna and Harrys faces the longer they danced together. As the song changed their bodies slowed and their faces grew very close together. Both of their bodies tended as they realized how close their lips where to each other's, barley an inch. Their noses were touching and their foreheads were resting on each other's, their eyes were locked together searching the others for a clue to push their lips together.

Anna knew he wouldn't make the first move, he was too much of a gentlemen for that, so she did it herself. She moved forward and shamed her lips onto his. The kiss was full of passion, they had missed the feeling of their lips together. Anna's hands made their way into Harrys soft curls as he gripped he waist with one hand and her butt with the other.

They pulled apart for air with smiles on their face. Harrys smile only grew as he saw the smile on Anna's face. As soon as he saw her smile he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the crowd. They reached a door at the back of the building and walked through the alley way. Harry then stopped walking and pushed Anna lightly against the wall and began kissing her again.

Harry could feel her smile through their kiss, he remembered what she liked. He put his hands on her waist again and pushed them against the wall. Bother if her arms went around his neck as the kiss intensified. Harry began to play with the hem of her fishnets which were situated above her jeans.

They were pulled apart by the sound of a click. They both knew that sound all too well. Their heads snapped over to the direction of the sound and saw someone quickly walking away from the alley way.

"You're fucking kidding me." Anna said angrily as she took her arms off of Harry.

"Oh for fucks sake." Harry groaned taking his hands off of Anna and taking a step back as he continued to look down the alley way. "Let's get out of here, if we're lucky we can get out before too many more show up."

"Yea." Anna said annoyed, "I need to run inside and get my bag from Kendall."

"Ok." Harry said expecting her to go in and come back out, he was surprised when she took his hand in her and lead him inside with her.

As they walked through the club Anna texted her driver that she needed to be picked up ASAP, which she got a reply to almost immediately.

They searched for a couple minutes before finding Kendall still dancing in the large crowd. "Kendall!" Anna yelled at her friend, "I need my bag I've got to go!"

"Everything ok?" Kendall asked handing Anna her bag.

"Yep, everything's normal." Anna said before walking away from Kendall.

"Your driver on his way?" Harry asked Anna as they began to walk towards the front door.

"Yep." Anna said leaning against the wall as they waited for the text from her driver saying that he was here. "I have a fucking interview tomorrow what am I supposed to do! They are going to see that photo and bring it up and I-"

"It'll be alright, I doubt it was a good picture anyways. Talk to your manager before the interview if you need to, but don't stress about it." Harry tried to comfort her.

" I care more about our privacy being invaded. We can even go into a fucking dark alley way without our photos being taken." Anna complained.

Harry stood next to her and sighed, "I know. I'm sorry, we should've just stayed in here. I wasn't thinking."

"Haz I wasn't blaming you." Anna said giving him a small smile.

"I'm still sorry." He said looking down at her slightly.

A text notification cause Anna to break their eye contact. "He's here." She said.

"Ok. Be safe." He said standing up straight.

"You're not coming with?" Anna asked.

"Did you want me to?"

"Well yea, I fingered that was implied." Anna said with a light laugh.

"Alright then lets go." Harry said with a goofy smile.

The two walked towards the front door and squeezed through the few people that were blocking it.

"Oh my lord." Anna said as she spotted the few paps that were outside of the building waiting for them. They walked passed the group of paps and ignored all of the questions being thrown at them.

"It's alright just keep walking." Harry whispered to her giving her a little bit of comfort. She stated at the group as they walked but she kept her head high. "Can you move out of the way please?" Harry yelled at the paps that were blocking their car. A few of them began to move but there were stern few who just kept snapping their photos.

"Can you please move I just want to go home." Anna yelled. When they finally moved out of the way Anna didn't hesitate to open the door quickly and shut it as soon as they were both in the car. "Thank you Dylan." Anna said to her new driver.

"No problem Anna. Home?" He asked.

"Yes please." Anna said smiling at him.

As Dylan began to drive Anna's head fell onto Harrys shoulder as her eyes began to close. Harry couldn't stop the smile that reappeared on his face as he glanced down at the sleeping girl.

Maybe everything was going to be alright.

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