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The past month has been the most boring month of my life. Gigi and Zayn went back to the farm, Bella had to go to London for the month to walk some runways, Nate and Alex moving to their new house, Brooke has been busy traveling for VS, and I have been busy with photoshoots but not busy enough to be entertained.

"Do you have everything you need?" Nate asked after putting my suitcases in my car.

"Yea I'm good." I said after checking that all my stuff was in there.

"When are you coming back?" He asked.

"Well I'm going to visit Harry in DC, I'll stay there for two days Sarah made sure there is room, then I have to go to Shanghai, China for fittings for the show. I'm gonna have photoshoots their first that month too so I think I'll be gone til December at the least." I said closing the trunk.

"Wow ok that's a long time." He said. "Me and Alex should be out of the house by next week. We can stop by every so often to make sure it is all good though."

"You guys can stay longer if you want." I offered as I climbed into my car. Fred was driving as always.

"We will be good Anna. Thank you though." He said giving me a hug before I closed the door.

"Bye Anna!" Alex yelled.

"Bye Alex!" I said after I rolled down the window.

Fred started diving to the airport. "I have security set up to meet you at the gate. My friend Dan will be there to drive you to the hotel and then to the concert." Fred told me.

"Thanks Freddie." I said adjusting my outfit. I was wearing white tennis shoes, a leather jumpsuit, and I had a white sweatshirt to carry.

"Dan said he will stay with you until you get back to LA however long that is." He said with his eyes in the road.

"Freddie why aren't you going?" I asked.

"I can't afford traveling that much right now Anna."

"Freddie I can pay for that I always do!"

"Anna I also need to stay with my family in LA right now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but Martha is pregnant. I can't leave right now." He told me.

"YOU ARE GOING TO BE A DAD?!" I asked very surprised. "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME?" I asked.

"I didn't know until two weeks ago!" He replied.

"Aw Freddie I'm so happy for you!" I said.

"Thanks Annie."

After 20 minutes we pulled up I front of the airport. There were not giant pap swarms because I was keeping my travel under the radar. I put on my sunglasses and stepped out of the van.

Fred escorted me to the security line where he gave me a goodbye hug and I was off to my flight. Of course sadly I did see some paps snap photos of me but I was hoping Harry wouldn't see them. Some fans at the airport saw me and asked for a photo and of course I took some. I asked if they wouldn't post it until the next day and they all said ok. They may post them but for now I will trust them.

I got on the plane and fell asleep to some music. When I woke up the plane was landing and I realized I was going to have to deal with the plane landing alone. As the plane touched the ground I gripped the seat tightly imagining I had someone there with me.

When we got to the gate the flight attendants allowed me to be the first one off of the plane and they warned me about paps outside the airport.

I walked out the gate and saw a security guard waiting for me.

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