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"Harry?" I said shocked.

"Um h-hey. I'm sorry for just showing up but I uh- I wanted to talk to you." He said nervously.

"Uh yes sure come in." I said moving out of his way.

"Thanks. You have a nic-" he said as he was looking around the house. "Who is that?" He asked seeing a person asleep one of the guest rooms.

"That's my best friend Brooke. When she wakes up at 9am tomorrow you can meet her." I said laughing at the position she was in. "How did you know where I live Harry?"

"Oh uh haha Camille kind of gave me your address." Harry said with a nervous laugh.

"Ah I see." I laughed.

"What are you watching?" He said noticing my TV was on Netflix.

"I'm binging The Vampire Diaries for the 109th time." I said looking at the screen and hitting play.

"What episode?" He asked me.

"Season 1 episode 19." I told him with a smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked me.

"Because this is my favorite scene." I said looking at the screen.

Damon and Elena lined up to dance at the Miss Mystic falls pageant. They got prepared to dance their first dance together. I am a Delena shipper 100% so this is one of my favorite scenes.

As they danced I found myself with a giant smile in my face. I always hoped that one day I would find love like they have. I thought I found it with Nate but I can see that was obviously wrong.

As they separated from their dance I looked to the side to see Harry looking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You have a really pretty smile." He said smiling.

I blushed bright pink as soon as I heard those words. "Thank you." I said shyly. I cleared my throat and continued talking. "So uh why did you come over?"

"Oh right uhm... I'm not quite sure how to uh talk about this..." he said playing with the rings in his fingers.

"About what?"

"Uh it's just I uh- I know you are scared of a relationship with someone right now and I uh I don't want to ruin our new friendship so-"

"What are you talking about Harry?" I asked him.

"Ok so uh I really like you, and before you say anything I know you told me you aren't ready to go back and start dating because of your past and all but I just- I just needed to tell you." He said looking up at me.

"It's insane how I feel Anna. I've only known you for about less than five days and you have already made your way into my head. You were honestly all I could think about after you left. That might sound creepy but it's the truth. It's hard to explain what I mean. I'm not good with words. All I know is that I like you Anna. A lot."

"You do?" I asked shyly.

"Yes. A lot. And again I know you aren't ready for anything right now and I understand. I'm willing to wait and just be your supporting friend."

"Well... I mean if we just-" I started but stopped talking when Stefan started screaming. "Oh my god Stefan shut up!" I said turning off the TV. "Sorry. One second I need music. ALEXA! Play Faith by George Micheal!"

Faith started to play around the house. I love this song. It's one of my favorite songs to have ever be written.

"If we just what?" Harry said ready for an answer.

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