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100k??? I LOVE YALL

"Who's the most surprising person to slide into your dms?" Harry asked looking amused

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"Who's the most surprising person to slide into your dms?" Harry asked looking amused.

Anna sat there giggling to herself knowing the answer, "WHO IS HE?" Harry yelled sprinting forward, a loud laugh escaped Anna's mouth as he did.

"Probably-" She said laughing. "Wait no I take that back." She said making the crowd laugh.

"You didn't even answer" Harry said laughing at her.

"Ok well I said it in my head so I had to correct myself. I think I can say it right?" She said looking at him.

"Well that depends." He said, "I don't know what it depends on-"

Anna and the crowd laughed at his reply. "Yea no I can't say it."

"Aw come on just say it." Harry insisted. The crowd yelled agreeing with him.

"Well of course you wanna know." She said playfully glaring at him.

"Say it!" He groaned wanting to know.

"Shush I'm eating the penis." She said making him laugh yet again. As she took a bite she realized she couldn't bite it, "ew it's like squishy-"

"Just eat it."

She plopped it in her mouth, immediately regretting that decision she quickly moved over to her bucket and spit it out. "That was disgusting oh my god."

The show went on for a while longer after that, they finished the game exposing no new secrets. One question asked Harry about his old band members, but he didn't even hesitate to eat the disgusting food that had been placed in front of him. That made Anna respect him about 726% more.

As the show ended Anna made her way to her dressing room and wished a goodbye and said thank you to everyone before packing her stuff and making her way out of the studio.

"Anna wait up!" She heard Harry yell from behind her.

"Hey, good job on the show." She said waiting for him to catch up.

"Thanks, it's hard filling in for James he's a good host."

"Surprised you didn't add more dad jokes to the show, that's your whole thing." She said smiling at them as they continued to walk.

"Ah your right I should have!" He groaned. "Sorry about the whole photo from last question."

"It's alright, it's not like you made the questions." She shrugged it off, "it would have come up anyways."

"True. Do you wanna go get dinner or something? Friendly dinner of course." He said before she thought otherwise.

"Uh..." she said looking at her phone real quick thinking if she had anything to finish tonight. "Yea sure. Where?"

"I've got a pizza in my fridge that is yelling at me to come home, you ok with that?"

"Fuck yea I've been craving pizza all week." She said making Harry laugh. He had missed her and the way she made him laugh with just the smallest things. It's like no matter what she said it made him smile, in fact she didn't even have to talk her smile was enough to make his day.

Very short I apologize

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