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I woke up with an arm wrapped around my waist. My head was pounding from my hangover and I was starving. I took the persons arm off from around my waist and stood up. I looked around the room and walked over to pick up my clothes.

Hey. Can you come pick me up? At 7268 someplace drive.

On my way. You have a meeting in an hour should I drive you straight there?

My house first please. I need to change.

I walked to the bathroom and got dressed. I ran my finger through my hair hoping to make it look decent before turning to leave the hotel room. When I turned around I jumped when I saw a guy standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Good morning." He said looking me up and down.

"Hey uh..." I stopped when I realized I don't remember his name.

"Sam." He said realizing I didn't know his name.

"Right sorry." I said trying to walk past him and into of the bathroom. Before I could walk past him he put his hands on my waist stopping me.

"Hey hey hey where are you going? Don't you want to get breakfast or something-" he started.

"No not really." I said grabbing her vape off of the bathroom counter. "I have a meeting to get to so if you don't mind I really need to get going." I said moving past him, grabbing my stuff, and walking out of the hotel room.

I made my way to the elevator and stepped inside as is opened.

Kenny 🤪
Hey you busy tonight?

Not sure yet. Why?

Got invited to a party. Wanna go with?

Not sure. Already got a major hangover

If you change your mind just text me

Will do

The elevator opened as soon as I sent the final text. I walked through the lobby and groaned when I saw a small group of paps waiting outside of the hotel. How the fuck did they know.

You here?

I'm here. I'll get you. There are paps.

It's fine. Just have the car ready to go. I'll make it.

I sent the text as I walked out the hotel doors. They started taking photos but I just charged through them and to the car that was waiting for me.

I climbed into the car quickly as Ron drove off to the office. I had a meeting with my team to discuss the next part of my music. I told them to would like to open for someone during their tour since I only have 12 songs.

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