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Harry - November 29th 2017 (part 2)

Harry sat down on the couch anxiously wondering what this meeting was about

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Harry sat down on the couch anxiously wondering what this meeting was about.

"First of all, fantastic job last night. The show was fantastic." Bill said sitting in one of the chairs. "However... this." He said picking up a photo of Anna and Harry holding hands on the runway. "This cannot be a thing." He said showing more pictures of the two of them.

Harry felt like his heart stopped for a moment, "w-what are you talking about?"

"You and Anna. It can't happen." Another person in the room said.

"What? Why?" He said growing slightly angry and annoyed.

"It's not good for publicity Harry. Your fan base is mostly girls and they won't like that your no longer single." Bill said leaning back in his chair.

"That's insane. Are you crazy? The fans love Anna! In fact I've gotten more-"

"Harry we are your managers for a reason." Bill said sternly not arguing about this topic, "we know what is best for your career."

"Clearly you don't!" Harry said jumping up from his seat. Struggling to contain his anger towards the people in the room. "What do you expect me to do about this? Break up with her?" He said scoffing at the idea.

"That's exactly what we expect you to do."

"Wow. Then you're actually insane cause there is no way you can make m-"

"Harry your contact states that we are in charge of every public post and outing that you make. We own you until the end of the contract. We own you until December of 2019, and until then you do as we say. Or else there is no more tour, no more music, no more shows, no more travel, no more anything. Do you see how serious we are about this now?"

Harry felt his heart shatter as Bill stated how much they were in charge of his life. "You want me to break up with her?"

"Not just that, but it needs to be public. We've already set this up." Bill said nodding at someone near the door. They opened the door and allowed a girl about his age into the room. "This, this is Sarah."

"Hello." She smiled at Harry, he do course didn't even glance her way he kept his glare faced toward Bill.

"You and Sarah will be seen out and about throughout the day today, and you will go on a date to a local restaurant where you will be seen kissing her, obviously showing a break up is happening. Then the articles start and everything is back to normal."

"You want me to cheat on her?!" Harry screamed angrily.

"I told you, it has to be public otherwise there is no way the public will know."

"This is insane! She isn't affecting my career in any negative way!"

"Harry. This is happening or you won't be doing anything until 2019. We. Own. You."

Harry pov:

Where are you?

She saw it. She saw the photos. I'm not ready for this.

On my way back

We need to talk.

Tears streamed down my face as I thought about what was about to happen, the best thing in my life was about to come to an end. I hoped out of the car and made my way into the hotel and up to our room.

"Harry what the fuck is this?" Anna yelled holding up her phone and showing me the photo.

"That's me and Sarah." I said with a straight face, struggling a lot to hide the heartbreak that was happening.

"W- you're not even going to- who the fuck is Sarah!" She yelled at me, her face showed how much this had hurt her. If all things why did this have to happen. Why did they make me cheat on her of all things. Do they have any idea how this is going to affect her? Both of her major relationships ending with her being cheated on... god I wish I could hug her. I wish I could hold her one more time. If I had known before I left this morning I wouldn't have let her go.

"Some girl I met." I said with a shrug.

"And you're kissing her?" She asked me as her voice cracked.

"Sure looks like it doesn't it." I'm such a dick. It has to be real. Bills voice echoed in my head. We own you.

"Harry what the fuck! Why?" She yelled as tears streamed down her face. I couldn't stand to look at her, the look on her face broke me. Was my career worth hurting her this bad? I knew it wasn't, but there was too much damage done already.

"Calm down Anna." I said walking past her.

"Calm down- what do you mean calm down! You're kissing some fucking girl while we are dating Harry!" She yelled more.

"I did more than kiss her, but I'm gonna guess you don't want to hear about that." I said looking at the floor. A lump formed in my throat. What the fuck Harry. You didn't need to say that why did you say that! I looked up at her to see her jaw dropped to the floor, god I regret this. I shouldn't have looked at her.

"Why? Why did you- how could you-" she said trying to form a sentence. This was breaking me. I couldn't do this, why did I do this. My career isn't worth this! "Why would you do that?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I said staring at her blankly.

"Because we are fucking dating Harry! Does that not mean anything to you? I told you I love you! I do love you! You said you loved me! We slept together does any of that mean anything?" she screamed at me.

"Oh come on Anna I don't love you!" I yelled before realizing what I just said. That was the biggest lie I've ever told. Why did I say that. God why did I say that? That wasn't necessary! Harry why! I looked over at her to see her face completely heartbroken, she looked how I felt.

"What?" She asked in a quiet voice.

There's no going back now, "I don't love you Anna. Dating you was just so I could get an easy fuck. Not that it was that easy. Took you a good amount of time." God why am I saying these things? What is happening, this isn't a movie Harry this is your real life and you're fucking it up. "Plus dating you gave me a good amount of recognition. Not to mention I bet there are only two guys in this world who can say they have slept with the famous Anna Hadid." She had given me everything and I was breaking her. Why? Because I'm selfish. I'm too scared to give up my career and I'm ruining us because of it.

"If it's not obvious we are done. I'm done." She said before storming into our- her room. That did it. The tears streamed down my face as quiet sobs left my mouth. Why am I such an idiot. My career isn't worth this, my career isn't worth this.

I could go in there right now. I could apologize, I could explain everything. But she wouldn't understand would she? She's her own manager, she doesn't worry about these things.

I walked to the kitchen and stood over the counter thinking for probably about thirty minutes before I heard the door open. I didn't turn around, if I turned around now she would see my red puffy eyes and the tears that had stained my cheeks.

"Goodbye Harry." She said leaving our hotel room, I would probably never see her again would I?

I walked over to the window that looked over the street where Anna's car sat waiting for her. I could see the pos waiting outside for her. Fucking vultures. As the cameras started lighting up the sidewalk I knew she had made it outside safely. I watched as her driver, Dan, brought her safely to the car.

Why did I do this to her? Why did I do this to us? I fucked everything up.

Sorry for those confused, this is a flashback to the day Harry and Anna broke up. I felt the need to kind show Harry's side and like his mindset

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