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"What are you talking about?" Harry asked

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"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"It's says here that international travel has been banned until further notice." Anna said looking over at him concerned.

His face changed slightly as he leaned over to read her phone screen. "This won't affect tour will it?"

"Let's hope not." Harry said leaning back. Anna scrolled through her phone for another second before gasping.

"Oh oh oh!" She started yelling excitedly. "I forgot to tell you like the biggest but of news ever!"

"What is it?" Harry said leaning onto his evokes in excitement.

Anna stood up, "drum roll please!"

Harry started to imitate a drumroll, "where's Sarah when you need her."

"The news is.... I am playing Yelena in the new Black Widow movie!" Anna said throwing her arms out to the side.

Harry's jaw dropped, "how long have you known that?"

"Uh well we already finished filming like months ago, but we were really talking so I never got to chance to tell you. But now you know! And just in time, because guess when the trailer is dropping."

"When!" Harry yelled.

"Tonight at midnight!" Anna said.

"No way!"

"Yes way."

"Ok ok, I have new then too! But you cannot tell a single soul what you are about to learn." Harry said giving her a serious look.

"I swear."

"Cross your heart. Cross it!"

She crossed her heart and sat down beside him anxious to hear his news.

"I am also joining marvel! I'm playing Eros in Eternals!"

"Dude no way! Man we really out here becoming new marvel people huh?" She gasped, "do you think we'll work on a movie together!?"

"That would be amazing." Harry said with a large smile.

"Ok, but can we watch the trailer together at midnight?" Anna asked excited.

"Yea duh." Harry said.



Midnight came quickly, considering they had gotten to Harry's house at 10:00 and spent about two hours playing monopoly the time had flown by in an instant.

"It's time!" Anna said jumping onto the couch with her popcorn, Harry had already pulled up the trailer and sat there ready to watch. "You ready?"

"Of course." He said taking a handful of popcorn.

As soon as Anna's voice was heard on the trailer Harry pushed the video, "are you doing a Russian accent?!" He asked impressed.

"Yes why did you stop it!"

"Cause it's so good! Do it right now."

"What? No hit play and you'll hear it more." Anna said snatching the remote.

As the trailer played Harry found himself smiling brightly at Anna's acting, sure he had watched her in Little Women and in past of Midsommar, though he couldn't finish that, but this was different. He knew how much she grew up loving marvel so he could only imagine how much this meant to her. He was proud of her, and the smile on his face showed it.

As the trailer ended harrys eyes didn't leave the screen. Anna looked over at him to see his reaction only to see a giant smile still plastered on his face as he faced the screen.

"Did you like it?" She asked nervously.

"Did I like it? I loved it!" Harry said tackling her into a hug. "When does it come out."

"May 1st!" Anna smiled as she pushed Harry off of her.

"I am so fucking proud of you!" Harry yelled.

"Thank you Haz." She laughed, "look I gotta go, I have a meeting with my manager early tomorrow so I gotta get to sleep. Ill see you soon." She said getting off the couch.

Harry stood and gave her a quick goodbye hug before he walked her to the door. "I'm excited for the movie." He smiled.

"Me too." She said as Dave, her night driver, pulled up to the house.

"Goodnight Anna."

"Goodnight Haz."

Very short I'm sorry

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