Chapter 1 (Wandas POV)

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Word count: 1.1k

Wanda had been relaxing on the couch of the avenger's common room watching an old sitcom, when suddenly her brother came whizzing in and turned off her show and was seated beside her within seconds, she was shocked and scolded her brother for springing up on her.

"Pietro! What the hell!... I was watching that!"

Pietro just brushed her and off and started talking "so there's this party-" she immediately cut him off as she went to turn the tv back on "no"

Pietro waited a second before he started again " there's this party at a college a few miles away tonight-" she looked away from the tv with a serious face "No, I'm not going-" Pietro cut her off this time "-and a bunch of the new agents are going together...aaaanndd you can take vision with us" he flashed his puppy dog eyes and gave pleading smile, she rolled her eyes but reluctantly agreed because her boyfriend can accompany them "fine I'll go...but! only because he can come". Pietros smile grew and he pumped his fist in victory "Yess! We'll leave at 9!" and with that, he was out of the room just as fast as he entered.

Time skip---later that evening

Wanda got dressed for the party, headed down to the compound's front door, and waited for her brother and boyfriend. She didn't have to wait that long for Vision as he had arrived only seconds after her. He greeted her with a kiss and they stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Pietro came into the room with a gust of wind and pretended to gag when he saw the pair, Wanda and Vision simply chuckled to themselves as they walked out of the compound and headed to the car Pietro grabbed from the garage.

When they arrived at the party Pietro immediately was greeted by a group of drunk agents, he told his sister he would be right back -she knew she wouldn't see him until the end of the night except when he pulls some crazy stunt before she or Vision drags him back to the compound- As Vision and she entered the party they were both overwhelmed with the intense smell of alcohol and the heavy flow of the music with the mix of the bodies dancing to the music and dim lights inside making it impossible to see the full length of the crowd, Vision, on the other hand, can see a table full of different drinks and offers to go and grab one for Wanda being the gentleman that he is.

Wanda goes to sit on a couch on the other side of the party and she sits alone for a moment before she feels the couch dip to her side, like every rational girl at any college party she assumes its another heavily drunk guy who came to hit on her, but to her surprise, the stranger doesn't say anything he simply lays his head back and closes his eyes for a second before he opens them and simply gives her a tight-lipped smile and a small wave, Wanda returns the wave and looks over at the sea of dancing drunk college students, the stranger just looks over at her and gives her an inquisitive look, he speaks up before she can say anything "I bet I can guess who you're here with?"

Wanda lightly scoffs at this with a warm smile "I'm sure you can...go ahead" she waves her hand over to the crowd in front of them, he chuckles and looks over the crowd and squints as he pretends to stroke his chin and think. This makes Wanda roll her eyes playfully and smack his shoulder "go on guess already, I don't have all night" with that he gives her a satisfied look "okay okay, you're here with..." points over to Pietro who is currently hanging from a bannister with a blanket as a cape yelling "I AM THOR" right before he jumps off into the crowd, the stranger turns his head back to wanda "brother, and..." and turns back to the crowd and points at Vision who is currently attempting to reach between groups of people at the drink table "boyfriend..." he looks back at Wanda with a ridiculously goofy grin spread across his face, she simply shrugs and replies with "lucky guess" the stranger then returns the shrug with a smirk "it's a gift of mine"

Wanda and the stranger fall into conversation after this, it's a very comfortable flow and both seem to be enjoying it, "you did not trip him down THAT MANY steps?!?" the man -that Wanda found outs name was Y/N and was a recent graduate- burst out as he started laughing at Wandas recount of one of the many times she tripped her brother as he tried to run away from her, Wanda starts laughing with him "yes I did, that isn't even the best part after-" but she was cut off as a small fight had broken out on the other side of the party, Y/N stopped laughing as he got up and quickly looked back at Wanda "sorry I gotta go make sure nobody breaks a bone" Wanda just gives him a tight-lipped smile and a wave goodbye as she watches him make his way over to the rising commotion.

Moments later she is joined by Vision who now has a cup in hand as he approaches her with a smile, she takes the cup as he joins her and asks her if she has been enjoying herself she simply nods and hums as she takes a sip of the drink her boyfriend graciously brought her, they both sit and watch the crowd for a few more moments before Pietro comes barreling over shouting "WE NEED TO LEAVE! LIKE RIGHT NOW!!" before he runs out the door and towards the car, Vision and Wanda look at each other before joining Pietro at the car, they rush out of there as fast as Vision is willing to drive, and Pietro is dying laughing in the backseat, Wanda just rolls her eyes at her brother before he leans over between the two in the front and asks with a wide smile "soooo...did you two enjoy yourselves tonight?"

TIME SKIP----- 2 months

Wanda is walking through the lobby of the compound with the other avengers to greet the new SHIELD recruits that are arriving for their advanced training at the avengers compound. Wanda stays nearest to Natasha and Vision, she notices two agents that are dressed in completely different uniforms that are talking to Steve who is listening very attentively, he nods at the two as they walk past him to the recruit living quarters, Wanda doesn't see the face of the recruit only the back of the (Y/H/C) haired man as he walks down the hall holding his duffle bag.


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