Chapter 2 (Y/Ns' POV)

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Chapter 2: (Y/Ns POV)

Word Count: 5.2k

Laying the rubble you feel the cuts that run along your body, and your head pounds like a drum in a heavy metal concert. There is no light peaking through the concrete that has encased you. As you lay buried alive you lose track of how long it's been. Eventually, you pass out from blood loss. Your mind drifts to Natasha... how heartbroken she must feel. You pictured the two of you together, you were sitting on your own couch in your shared apartment. She cuddled up to you and things just felt right, this felt like the way things should have been. You were pulled from the rubble weeks after you passed out. They were shocked that you had survived. Once you were stable you were kept in a medically induced coma. You were told all of this once you had woken up. You had a shrink visit you every morning and afternoon. He talked to you about your feelings, and about the people you thought were family. You told him things that you didn't even remember until you were already singing like a canary.

They put you into physical therapy next and you excelled at it. The rate at which you recovered was faster than ever before. The scientists who came to test on you marvelled at your genetics and the way your body worked. One day you were sitting on the edge of the pool after a session of PT. You heard the steps of heels bounce off the walls and soon enough they reached you. Turning around there was a woman dressed professionally with jet black hair in a bun. She smiled at you and asked you to join her for lunch. You agreed and soon found yourself having a lovely meal while being offered a job. "Leviathan is only interested in unlocking your full capabilities... letting you be yourself to the fullest extent"

"I'm sorry but what is your name again?" you furrowed a brow, you didn't actually remember ever hearing her give it to you. "Valentina de Fontaine... I would be delighted to be a part of your journey towards healing, your shrink informed me that as your sessions progressed you began to harbour a sort of- anger towards your old team. Is that correct?" you nodded your head and continued to eat, "well Y/N. I want to give you the chance to take your revenge, become the man you're destined to be..." she takes a sip of wine and leans back with a smile "How does that sound?"

That was a month ago and now you were working with Zemo who your bosses caught a whiff of. They believed that he could be of use to you and that he was getting rather close to discovering their existence. They posed as a separate organization and loaned you out to him for the time being. He supplied you with information you lacked and you provided the brawn. That was until...

"Wakey Wakey..." you heard a tap on the glass of your cell and saw a short white-haired man in a suit holding a tray of eggs and toast. "Oh c'mon, I know you're happier to see the food than me but at least respond." The man circled you and opened a small door near the floor and slid the tray in.

"And you are?..." the man touched his chest and gave a faux pout. "Wow. did they not tell you I was coming? I'm Agent Ross. I deal with international affairs... and you my friend just made a doozy of one." this made you laugh at his remark. This wasn't even the worst of what you and Zemo cooked up. There was far more at play here. He narrowed his eyes at you as you laughed and took a seat on a chair near the wall. "What's so funny?"

"Ohh, nothing~ I promise you, agent... I'm just one of the moves in this chess game. And we only have a few more till checkmate..." you turned around and sat back down on the bed... he attempted to ask you more but you closed your eyes and remained silent.

Sitting alone can sometimes lead to madness. You knew this well, after all, you laid in rubble alone for days. No end in sight. Leviathan gave you a second chance to live and to repay them all you had to was destroy the Avengers... at this point, it was like taking candy from a baby.

Emerald Eyes  (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now