Chapter 5: (Y/N's POV)

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Word Count: 2.7k

A/N: oh my god!! this one was so hard to get done!!! I mean I was trying so hard not to make any plot holes but I think I did well...let me know how you're feeling about this! and sorry for it being so short, I have a bunch of short stories I gotta write for college apps.

Great! Robin Hood's back! Now, where was I? -Oh right! Okay, let's get into it...

You walked to Dr Strin's office door and knocked, your heart was racing. Not from excitement, but rather fear. You heard him answer and you entered purposely. He looked up from the stacks of papers on his desk with a smile and greeted you.

"Hello, Cadet Y/L/N..." he gestured to the seat in front of his desk offering it to you but you politely declined with the shake of your head. You didn't want to sit for too long, you didn't want to talk you wanted to fix your mistake and get some answers. "-what is it that you brought you back?"

You sighed and pursed your lips before speaking "I wanted to attempt the experiment again" he opened his mouth again to speak but you continued "-I swore that I used the sulfuric acid, it was labelled and everything-and I mean I put in the wrong amount so maybe if I put in less then it will react properly if you just give me a chance to do it again, I want to learn from my mistake" he studied you for a moment before he reached into the drawer of his desk and pulled out a set of keys

"Okay, let's go...we are going to be very careful and if anything happens you know the proper safety protocol?" you nodded your head as he got up and made his way to the hallway "good..." you followed him out and towards the lecture hall


"Alright so, what exactly did I miss while I was in the can?" Clint was sitting next to Pietro on your couch while you were making three cups of tea to get them settled for the evening

"Okay, so basically-" he stood up and sped in front of the two of you and began to act as he spoke "-you missed him messing up an experiment and like a weird thing with fingers where they felt like me after that special electrolyte mix from Bruce, Grace tried to comfort him and he was all like "no- I'm never wrong! -now I'm gonna go be all broody and try it again" he appeared next to clint again and you slowly approached the two with their mugs of tea.

"I wasn't all broody...and I didn't say I'm never wrong!" you sat down in the small armchair to the left of them "anyway, that's the jist of things so I'm going to continue now"


Dr Strin placed the beaker over the unlit torch. He lowered his goggles and before he lit the torch he asked you to double-check the gas. You nodded once you made sure that the line was secure. He attempted to start the torch but it would not light, he tried two times before it actually caught. He let out a small chuckle and moved away as you waited for the beaker to boil slightly before you added the sulfuric acid.

As you watched the beaker you began to take note of every little thing happening to it, you saw how the flame began to get lower and suddenly back to full strength within seconds, you notice how the chemicals didn't even seem to bubble even slightly overtop the flame. It wasn't until Dr Strin accidentally dropped his pen on the ground did your attention get snapped away from the torch seconds before it engulfed the beaker in its large flame for a split second before it went back to its normal size. Dr Strin on the other hand didn't see this because he had turned around to pick up his pen and when he turned back around the beaker was fully boiled and ready for the sulfuric acid to be added in. You carefully added in the chemical and again there was no reaction from the mixture. You let out a groan as Dr Strin examined the beaker and its contents for a moment.

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