Chapter 10: (Y/N's POV)

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Word count: 2.7k

You were in the empty cafeteria, of the base tony set up for you in the arctic. You were sitting alone as you have been since you arrived, eating your breakfast as you are reminded of your time at the compound...and you're reminded of Wanda.

You hated the fact that you couldn't get her out of your head, you hated however since you kissed she was one of the only things you could think about, but your heart also hurt at the thought of her how she broke your trust and invaded your mind, she went in and saw things you've only ever told one person and shared it with the entire compound....but the thing that hurt the most was how she didn't tell you how scared she was, how you made her feel unsafe, how you put her in danger -the one thing you were always so scared of doing to anyone you kept close- and you didn't blame her, you agreed with everything she had said and felt, you are a danger to be around, you are unstable that is why you agreed to tony's deal of going away or being tested on...nothing else influenced your decision, no one else played any least that's what you kept telling yourself.

You drifted into memory from one of your training sessions with Natasha...she currently had you pinned to the ground and was straddling you as she had both knees pressing into your side and was laughing as she told you to tap out, you refused as all ways and attempted to wriggle out of her grasp, as you were flopping like a dead fish Clint walked into the room and a wide smile grew on his face as he saw the two of you, Natasha attempted to pay him no mind but when he spoke up finally her concentration and grip loosened

"Well, I told you,'d end up in that position with him at some point" he winked at the two of you and Natasha gave him a glare but only seconds before you grappled your legs around hers and flipped her onto her back with a thud, you were now on top and so close to her face that you could feel her warm heavy breathes, you were mere inches from each other...and then Clint whispered "You're welcome" with another smirk and a wink as he walked out of the room, you turned back to Natasha and saw for a brief moment her cheeks flush before you jumped off of her and extended your hand to her...

You are pulled out of your mind as your phone rings, it's Wanda yet again, she had been trying to call you since your talk in the training room but you always ignored her, you let your phone go to voicemail as it did every time.


You finished your counselling session for the day and you were feeling somewhat at peace, you had talked about the 'incident' and your counsellor Dr Massen had advised you to think back on happy memories, to think about the things that used to make you happy...and you thought of her, you thought of Wanda...she had been desperately trying to call you and trying to explain herself, Dr Massen agreed with how you felt, though she didn't agree with how you handled things, she did validate your feelings, she understood your anger, she understood how much pain you felt...she helped you connect

Your mind started to drift yet again, but this time to a happy memory with couldn't help the clenching feeling in your chest as you thought back on how you felt for her...correction as much as you hated yourself for it you still had those feelings for her, you still remembered how her smile made you feel, and how every time she held your hand your heart would jump out of your chest...

You and Wanda are walking the streets of New York, you had just left one of the many museums the city had to offer you two and were heading towards a small neighbourhood, it was only one block but you could tell from the smile on Wanda's face that she was more excited to be here than at any museum. She dragged her hand down your arm and gripped your hand in hers as she began tugging you to a small store which you soon realized was a Sokovian Market full of some of the most amazing treats and snacks you've ever had. Wanda saw how amazed you were at everything and she couldn't help but watch, her gaze never leaving you as you ran down the aisles and grabbed things from the shelves and shoved them into a basket, she watched as you smiled and greeted everyone you saw.

Emerald Eyes  (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now