Chapter 4: (Y/N's POV)

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Word Count: 4.4k

A/N: OH MY GOD! THIS CHAPTER REQUIRED ME TO RESEARCH SCIENCE! dear please god, I hope you like it! I mean seriously this was a fun but tough one, and I'm hoping you like the new stuff I'm trying with this. There is so much more I wanna go in-depth in for you guys to get my full vision so there might be a few more of these!! (also if you're from my Tumblr this probably looks different, I've added some stuff and fixed some things that were bugging me)

P.s. I added an external link to the google form I use for your feedback and suggestions! (feel free to fill it out)

The next morning you woke up to Clint standing over you with a horrifying glare, his eyes had a rage that seemed calm yet had such an intensity you could have sworn he was the one making the temperature rise in the room. You had been so started when you woke up that you fell off your bed right at his feet. As you stared back up at him he shook head and walked away from you towards your closet, he came back with a bundle of clothes in his hand and threw them at your face before he sat down on your couch.

"Um...what's going on?" you began to stand up and made your way over to him warily

He rested his legs on your coffee table and folded his arms as he looked at you with a much more terrifyingly calm look "You're going to change..." he pointed to your bathroom door "then...we are going to talk, and go for a run...a very long run" he turned back to your TV and turned it on.

You let out a huff as you made your way to the bathroom with a nervous feeling in your gut, you locked the door and just stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment before you began to strip down, you caught a glimpse of your upper body in the mirror and you saw the haunting reminder of your past staring at you. The scars you had run over your chest and around your side, to most you've done well in hiding them but to you... they will always look as fresh as the day you got them, the day that you lost yourself and became reborn from the flames that engulfed you. You shook the memories out of your head, they hadn't entered your mind since your last session with Dr Massen...maybe it was time to give her a call, you needed a lot of advice right now...and common sense.

After you got changed Clint walked you to the kitchen where Pietro and Wanda were eating their breakfast, you got a wave from the silver-haired devil but you and the red witch avoided eye contact for a moment as Clint kept you walking through only stopping for a moment to grab two water bottles and continuing on your way.


The two of you had been walking for about an hour when you decided to finally break the silence "so...why did you decide to do this with me?" you eyed him up as you continued walking. You were very confused about why he wanted to suddenly spend time alone with's not like he wanted to murder you, I mean he wouldn't right?

He took a breath and stopped walking for a moment "I needed to get you alone for a while...look I know that you and Wanda have this-thing-"

You turned to him and attempted your best look of disbelief "I don't know what could make you get that idea, she's with Vision and Pietro's my best friend, there is no remote possibility for that" He raises an eyebrow at you and gives you a look that simply says 'really?', you begin to feel sheepish at your sudden interjection, you cleared your throat "um, continue..."

" I was saying, you have this thing with Wanda...and I can tell you don't know what's going on between you and Nat..." his face shows that of a parent before they lecture their kid "You need to be hit with the truth before it bites a chunk out of you -Nat has feelings for you, you have feelings for her, you also have feelings for Wanda but she is torn between you and Vision, and Vision is a dick. Now...there is no way for you to keep both of them on this tether forever, and neither of them deserves to be a second option" he gives you a very serious stare "I care for both of them too much to let you hurt them, but I can tell this is hurting you too and eventually you're going to have to choose who takes up more room in your heart" he continues walking and you begin to think about what he's just said to you...HOLD THE FUCK UP! WAIT!

Emerald Eyes  (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now