Chapter 2: (Natasha's POV)

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Word Count: 1.5k

"So hold on..." he puts a hand up as he sips his milkshake and wipes his mouth with a napkin as a sly smile forms on his lips "If I recall, this is a date?" he gives her a questioning look, one that tonight she seems to be seeing a lot of.

"It may...or may a date like evening," Natasha says with a well-placed smile, she knew exactly what he was thinking and she knew he couldn't read her so she played her hand perfectly. There is no way in hell that he is going to get anything out of her, she knows this, he knows this...hell Maicy knows it. Nat just gave him a victorious smile as he dropped the subject and reached for the check, but he was quickly stopped by her.

"Oh hell no! You're not paying! You are not doing the clique 'man pays for dinner while the girl swoons' act..." her face went from a serious stone to yet another sly smile "I'm paying and you'll be the one swooning" This made the pair laugh at the small booth in the small diner while the other patrons stared at the two. Maicy made her way over to the two of them with a warm smile and bided them good night as they left.


After they returned to the compound she was walked to her apartment by Y/N who quickly realized he didn't know the way back to his own apartment -which was a total lie, his face gave it away to her within seconds but she decided not to comment- so she walked him. As they were walking she noticed that his hand was swaying close to hers as they made their way down the hall, she took the hint as his pinky reached out for hers and she quickly interlocked her fingers with his, she saw in the corner of her eye as a smile crept onto his face. That smile quickly faded as they rounded a corner to his hallway. When she finally looked away from his face she saw what he was looking at...Wanda standing by his door turned halfway towards the other end of the hall -no doubt looking for Y/N-. The formation of a pit in Natashas stomach was unfamiliar and unexpected, she didn't understand why the sight of Wanda standing by his door -looking for him- made her that she thought about it when she saw the young witch at his door earlier in the day she could feel the first sink of the pit in her.

She shook it off as concern for Y/N and not anything else, I mean why would it be anything else...their dinner wasn't a real date -wait! Was it!? Did he think it was a real date? Did she think it was? there's no way that she thought it was a real date, I mean she only made that comment as a joke, right?- her thoughts bounced all over her head like a ratchet ball. She tightened her grip on his hand for a moment and that seemed to pull his eyes away from the witch for a moment as he gave Nat a soft reassuring smile that he was okay before his attention was pulled back by the witch yet again. When Natasha looked back up she saw Wanda staring intently at him and not giving her a glance as she spoke.

"Y/N..." surprisingly the all-powerful witch looked 10x smaller as she said his name "um...-I was wondering if we could talk maybe" she finally looked to Natasha and then back to Y/N "maybe alone? I wanted to talk before you left but I never got the chance..." the words seemed to die as she looked between them at their intertwined hands.

He looked over to Nat and she simply let go of his hand and patted his back "let me know you need me, okay?" he nodded and gave her a soft smile goodbye "yeah, thanks"

She walked down the hallway back to her room and spent the next few hours being occupied with the thought of Wanda and Y/N in a room together, she convinced herself it was a worry for the both of them, I mean Wanda hurt him so badly by revealing his powers and he scared her so much to write that email, she didn't want either of them to be hurt by the other...yeah, that's the only reason for her fears of them being alone.


The next morning she made her way to the kitchen to find Y/N with Wanda and Pietro spread out on the countertops -well Pietro and Y/N were the ones on the counters while Wanda occupied a stool on the other side of the kitchen island- she made her way to the fridge to grab the juice and her ingredients for breakfast. Y/N jumped off the countertop and made his way to her.

"Gooooodd morning! How'd you sleep?" she gave him an emotionless stare as he grabbed a tea cup from the cupboard. "I'm gonna assume that I'm in for a long session today, huh?" this made her crack a smile at him "you're getting better at that, you sure you can't mind read too?" He put his index and pointer finger to his temple and made a face of faux concentration before cracking and chuckling at her unamused expression "but you don't have to worry about your training for today" she wiggled her eye brows as she sipped her juice "it's your Avenger's orientation..."

Pietro hopped off his spot and groaned to his friend "dude...that's gonna be brutal, Capsicle is gonna bore you to death with all the needless information and rules you have to follow" he looks at Pietro with confusion "Rules?...there are rules for being an Avenger?" he turns back to Natasha "he doesn't follow them does he?" she nodded in response to his question

"Alright! Well I'm gonna go make sure that Clint isn't here today before I do something fun" Pietro quickly sped off with a cheeky smile and Wanda stood up from her stool and made her way out of the kitchen "I'm going to stop him from getting shot with an arrow later"

Then it was just the two of them...Y/N seemed to realize how close he was to Natasha and backed up slightly, but rather ignore it she decided to play with him a little...

"So, I was thinking we could head into the city after you get bored to death..." she slowly made her way closer to him

He got visibly nervous at this "oh, um yeah...that sounds nice" he attempted to back away but got stuck between the countertops "yeah, I was thinking we could go to this little fancy spot I know, You'd love it" she got very close to him and began reaching around him but was interrupted by a thud coming from the vents, this gave Y/N an opportunity to slip by her.

" know I should probably head to the conference room to prep, but...uh let me know when you want to head to the city" he quickly walked out of the room and rounded the corner.

Nat just looked up to the vents and sighed "Y'know I know you're in there..." there was a loud grunt from the vent before the grate popped off.

"Well, I know something you don't..." and out popped Clint with a satisfied grin "I know something you don't" *singie song voice* she eyed him for a moment before she scoffed and went back to making her food "Trust me, whatever you want to know I've probably known for weeks" he just grinned at her and walked out of the room *singie song voice again* "Trust me...You don't know this!" She rolled her eyes as she continued to make her food for the morning.


As she made her way to Y/N's apartment she came to a stop at the end of the hall when she saw Wanda leaving his room with his sweater draped over her... not just any sweater of his -his favourite sweater, the one that he only let her wear at movie nights, the one that he never brought on missions to keep safe- her heart dropped for a moment as she watched the redhead make her way down the hall no doubt back to her own apartment.

Natasha told Friday to inform Y/N that their dinner plans had to be cancelled at the last minute and she made her way to the training room to blow off the unwanted emotions she seemed to be having. She went at the training bag with enough hits to break down a steel door, and she continued to hit for the next 2 hours before she drove to the diner for a burger and salad. Maicy could tell from her order and lack of a companion that it wasn't a good night, she made sure to slip a free piece of pie to her at the end of her shift.

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