Chapter 7: (Natasha's POV)

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Chapter 7: (Natasha's POV)

Word count: 3.4k

— 2 days earlier —

I had been working on a few mission reports in the conference room when I noticed Clint walking through the hallway with a very sweaty Y/N... They seemed to be wrapped up in a very serious and engaging conversation but only one of them was actually talking. I captured the little fireballs gaze and smiled up at him. He stopped walking for a moment and gave me a small little wave. There was something hiding deep in his eyes that I couldn't grasp but it seemed to capture my full attention. He however snapped back into the discussion with Clint and they walked towards the common room. I just watched as Clint gave him a small pat on the back before I dove into the pile of reports once again.

It wasn't more then an hour later as I was finishing up a call with Fury outside that F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice broke out on the intercom delivering a gentle message. "Will all present Avengers please report to the conference room immediately" she repeated it once more and I made my way down the hallways towards the conference room. When I got there Y/N was standing at the front of the table while the others began to take their seats. I sat down next to Clint and gave him a questioning look. He simple used his head to silently direct my attention to the agent standing who cleared his throat. His hands were slightrly shaking and and I could tell the temperature in the room was warming up. He was looking around the room and if I hadn't met him his first day I wouldn't have batted an eye at his current state. But I did, he reminded me of a scared little puppy for a moment before he collected himself and began to address the room. He took a deep breath before he began his story. His real story.

He spoke for a good two hours about what was missing from his file, and explained why he likes to keep himself closed off. He didn't mention anyone except his friends, no mention of his family whatsoever. I felt curious about the way his head made logic of his emotions. And the decision to shut them out from the world. I learned that too at a much younger age. Then I met Clint who helped me discover that it was okay to feel, that it was a natural way to live. That feelings didn't make you weak. The story he told us was different than the one in his file for two reasons. The first being that he didn't have control over what had happened, the file seemed to depict him as far less scared. It didn't speak about the struggle he was having within his own head. The second reason is that he didn't get a chance to explain or defend himself, it was all second-hand accounts. I know how hard that can be to only have the outside perspective view you. To only have the judgement but not be able to face the jury.

His eyes caught mine once his sentence finished, I expected him to break the connection first but he just let my eyes take his. I decided to speak directly into his eyes, hopefully, he would understand I truly mean my words. "I'm glad you told us what we missed in your file..." I paused for just a fraction of a second, just long enough to emphasize my next words "-from my experience they don't always have the full story, it's always better to hear the truth from the source" I wanted him to know I understand, that I can see him, without any powers. I can see who he is on the inside and that the person he is on the inside deserves to feel just as much as I did.

I spaced out for the rest of the conversation once Banner got up the courage to ask his questions. I could only focus on him. The way he stood there after pouring out his truth to the team. The way he still seemed to contemplate his words no matter how short the sentence was. I was pulled out of my trance when Pietro decided that Y/N needed an official superhero name. He slung an arm over his shoulder and carried a cheeky grin "Well! I know for one we have to give you a name! I mean every great hero has one!" The agent next to him smiled and let out a small chuckle but not before catching my eyes. I could tell he knew what I was thinking and I loved it. I have the perfect name for our new superhero in training, as soon as I opened my mouth slightly to give my suggestion a flower that sat in a vase in the middle of the table burst into ash and he yelped for Pietro to "BOOK IT!!". Even as they made it down the hallway I could still hear the speed demons' laughs echo in my ears.

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