Chapter 5: (Y/N's POV)

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Word count: 2k

Your first week of training with Natasha seemed to be going well, everytime you got pinned, had to tap out or take a break (which was not often, so you had to pretend a few times) she would tease you which started to become something you actually enjoyed -you liked how creative she would get with a few of them. Every so often she would make comments regarding something Steve said about you "not being a regular recruit" and "you're something special, apparently" is all she would say about it, you were glad that steve didn't tell her about your enhancements. You hadn't told anyone yet, not even your -self-appointed -"best friend" Pietro, who you know would understand more than the others at the compound, but you just couldn't risk anyone knowing especially the person who is in charge of your training at the compound. If Natasha did know or had a suspicion of you, you couldn't tell from the way she acted around you.

It wasn't until her friend Clint came back from "personal time" did she start to act different, at first nothing changed she acted as she normally does around you, but after your first meeting with Clint something changed...

"Hi, I'm SWORD Agent (Y/L/N), its great to meet you... Agent Romanoff has told me about you" you greet him with a smile and an outstretched hand, he returns your smile with an indifferent look and refusing your hand "nice to meet you..." he says as his eyes scan you as if he is looking for something, and then he turns to Natasha with a wide smile 

"soo...Nat how about we head to the team dinner now? I don't want Thor to get all the good stuff" 

Natasha turns to you with a surprisingly gentle smile "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" you return her smile with one of her own as you back away from the two "yeah, have fun..." you give Clint a small wave goodbye "...nice meeting you, Agent Barton" he doesn't pay you any mind as him and Natasha walk off down the hallway.

You run into him a few times over the next few weeks around the compound after that, but none that stick out to you as much as when you were running around the track outside the compound while Natasha watched and wrote a few things down on her notepad every so often, you had noticed Clint walking up to her and just assumed it was regarding avengers business, but when Clint reached Natasha he just watched you run and would look at the redhead beside him a few times before his stoic expression slowly turned into one of surprise as his jaw dropped, he said something into her ear which made her finally look up at him. You couldn't tell from where you were, but from the way she grabbed his arm and led him inside through the glass doors, she was either mad or something really bad had happened.

As you got closer to the side of the track they previously occupied you stopped for a sip of your water and watched them through the glass, Natasha seems to be annoyed while Clint just looked up at the ceiling with a huge smile and his arms crossed, Natasha however just shook her head and walked outside back to the track, she saw you and gave you a short smile that didn't reach her eyes, when she came up to you she motioned for you to go back inside the compound you assumed that this meant training would be more sparing or shooting, but she didn't move from her spot, you called out to her "you coming?...can't really continue training without you" she looked up at you with an emotionless expression "you're done for today, eat and rest and we'll be back here tomorrow morning" this confused hell out of you, the entire time that you've been training with Natasha she has not once let you go early if anything she keeps you for longer. 

You could tell something was up but you didn't want to intrude so you simply walked back into the compound where you were greeted by Clint who was suddenly cheery to see you "Hellooooo, (Y/N)..." he paused for a moment and his face changed to a sly smile "...I just realized I never asked how you're liking training with Nat, is she fun? Keeping you on your toes?" this sudden change in mood from the two of them confused you even more.

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