Chapter 3: (Wanda's POV)

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Word count: 1.3k

A few weeks after the new recruits showed up Wanda found herself wandering the halls of the compound after another sleepless night, she walked towards one of the training rooms where groups of SHIELD recruits were flocking to, as she entered she noticed a crowd forming around one of the mats and saw a tall blindfolded (Y/H/C) haired man surrounded by three other large recruits. She watched as they slowly moved around him prepared to lunge at any moment, but their concentration was broken by a loud voice in the front of the crowd.


Wanda didn't need to see his face she already knew the voice belonged to none other than her brother "of course he's at the front", she watched as the blindfolded man took the opportunity and attacked the recruit closest to him, he took him down fairly easily and preceded to grab the batons from his hands, he then blocked and dodged oncoming attacks from the other two agents before countering with a few swift blows to the head using the batons and kicking one in the gut, he did get knocked to the ground with a blow to the back but recovered quickly and got back to his feet as he commenced fighting, Wanda started to walk away as the cheering and reactions from the blaring audience ruined the spectacle in front of her.

Wanda was yet again facing a sleepless night, she decided to try reading one of the books Bruce had recommended her to lull her to sleep but it was to no avail as she quickly finished the book and was now walking the compound library, she asked Friday what time it was and if she would be willing to give her a book recommendation.

"It is currently 3:27 pm, and Ms Maximoff I would recommend...Great Expectations by Sir Charles Dickens"

She hummed and nodded as she thanked her and continued on her way to the compound library, when she entered the library she got hit with a wave of comfortable heat and the smell of peppermint, as she walked farther into the library the smell and heat got slightly stronger, the heat however never got overbearing only more comfortable as she got closer.

She made her way over to the section the book Friday recommended her was supposed to be in, as she was about to turn to the aisle she heard soft humming and saw a man with Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair facing towards a large window sitting in a beanbag with a cup of tea resting beside him.

She continued to the aisle and began searching for the title when she got to the space the book should have been occupying she noticed it was vacant, she assumed she must have missed it so she went over the shelf again, and again until she sighed in frustration and all she could say was "really?"

She didn't realize how loud she was but it was enough to pull the man relaxing one aisle over out of his trance, before she could leave a gravelly voice spoke up from the aisle over.

"You missing something?..."

She didn't realize where the voice was coming from at first before she looked through the shelf and saw a tall man in a SWORD sweater with a pair of dog tags sticking out, she soon realized this was the SWORD agent she had overheard the other recruits talking about in the cafeteria -she sometimes would have to drag her brother out for their training sessions- she was pulled out of her thoughts as he spoke up again taking her silence as confusion.

"...a book?...what book are you missing?"

This time his voice was much softer and had a shy inquisitive tone to it, as tho he was afraid he could scare off the young woman in front of him...or even he would scare himself away from her...

Wanda now slightly embarrassed that she interrupted his peaceful reading replied "oh-uh um... Great Expectations by Charles Dickens I believe...?"

The agent in front of her simply chuckled to himself before he replied "so you got the recommendation too?... I thought Friday and I were beginning to have something special" he said in a faux hurt manner.

Wanda laughed at this "She tends to have that effect on new's probably the Stark in her"

This made the agent laugh at her dig against the man who funded the very library-no the very compound they are both standing in, a small moment of silence fell upon them before a hand popped a book between Wanda and the shelf in front of her and the agent spoke up

"here, you can take my copy...I finished it a few minutes ago already...I promise you'll enjoy it, Friday does seem to have good taste...or it might just be the Stark in her"

Wanda gingerly took the book from the agent's hand and replied with a small thank you, as the agent was about to leave his aisle he spoke up once more "You should sit by the window and watch the water for a'll help you enjoy the book more" Though Wanda would never admit to it she made her way from her aisle to the next one rather quickly to try and catch a glimpse of the agent, but all she could see was the back of the (Y/H/C) -haired man with a new book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other as he turned the corner.

She went to grab the beanbag and sit by the large window as she had seen the agent do before, but not before she noticed a rather fresh cup of tea as it was still piping hot sitting on a small table beside the window, she smiled at the kind gesture with a hint of confusion. She sat there in that spot for a few hours reading her book glancing up every few pages at the small body of water sitting in front of the window, she drank the cup of tea that was left for her and slowly but surely she was lifted away to sleep by the soothing atmosphere she was in.

Wanda ended up coming back to the library and that same aisle, she came back and talked with the agent every so often, but she never got his name, never saw his full face, and never got to thank him for leaving a cup of tea out for before he left to go to bed

Bonus: (Y/N's POV)

After you finished your training exercise and the crowd of recruits dissipated you went over to the bench your things rested on and pulled your SWORD sweater over your head before you felt a tap on your shoulder, when you turn around you see a silver-haired guy with wide tight-lipped smile standing before you, you give him an uncomfortable smile back and he simply exclaims

"MAN, THAT WAS IMPRESSIVE!!..." He takes a moment to gauge your reaction before he continues "...why the hell are you still training with these newbies? You gotta up your game my friend!...YOU SHOULD REQUEST SOMEONE MORE ADVANCED!"

You simply shrug and respond "I don't know man, if they think I need someone more advanced, I'm sure they would tell me themselves"

The man simply scoffs and says "Dude, I'm an avenger..." he gestures to himself "...I know what I'm talking about! And you, my friend need someone equally matched"

You raise your brows at his use of "friend" and ask him "what is your name again?"

He gives you a wounded look and holds his chest "I'm Pietro..." you still look at him confused "...quicksilver? The silver speedster? The fastest avenger?...really??"

You shrug and hold out a hand "Y/N, I'm the SWORD recruit that was shipped over here" he takes your hand and shakes it so hard and fast you think it's gonna fall off.

"Well Y/N, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship" he says with a mischievous grin...what have you gotten yourself into is your only thought.

And that kids is how you met your emotional support, Pietro...

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