Chapter 3: (Y/N's POV)

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Word Count: 3.5k

A/N: I hope you guys like it! and please dear god give me feedback!! I might rewrite this later so I'll let you know if anything changes majorly :)

You walk with Wanda from where you and Nat separated to the door of your apartment, the emotions you were having at the moment seemed to be fluctuating between anger, fear, and heartache. This was a stark contrast from how you used to feel around her, you would get excited at the sound of her laugh, your heart would jump when she reached out for your hand as you walked through the different exhibits at each museum that you would visit, your mind would race at the mention of her name, and now here you are terrified to be alone with her. You weren't terrified of her herself but of the thought of hurting her, of giving her another reason to fear you.

You open the door and gesture for her to enter, "so...Wanda...what is it you wanted to talk about?" you finally see how nervous she is when she stops fiddling with her rings as she turns around to face you but she averts her Emerald Eyes from yours "I um...I wanted to tell you that I'm not afraid of you" she took a deep breath before continuing "...there isn't anything that you could do to make me fear you...-and I know that you are still angry with me for that email but I swear to you that I didn't send it, I don't know who did but I swear I would never go into your head without permission...I still care about you..." she lets out a breath and finally makes eye contact with you "...a lot" she took a beat to what seemed like gather her courage and she moved closer to you and for a second it seemed like she was going to reach out for your hand but stopped herself "do you...-do you still care about me...a lot?"

You stood there for a moment trying to process everything that she said, your head had just been flooded with all of this information. You couldn't lie to her because you didn't know how loud your thoughts were to her, -in fact, you didn't even know whether she was even telling you the truth at this moment- the only rational thing that came to mind to test this out seemed fool-proof.

You stared into her eyes for a moment as you attempted to gauge her reaction while you tested your theory in your head...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, -HI WANDA!!!!!!! PIETRO IS THE BEST! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR BROTHER!!!! AND WE'RE GONNA GET MARRIED!!" you watched intently as you continued "I'M ALLERGIC TO TANGERINES!! ALL OTHER FORMS OF ORANGES HAVE NO EFFECT BUT FOR SOME REASON THEY CAN KILL ME!!!!... THERE WAS A BEE STUCK IN MY BACKPACK ONCE AND I CRIED FOR AN HOUR AFTER IT DIED!! AND IT STUNG ME!!" your eyes stuck to hers as you waited for some kind of reaction but one never came, you decided that this was proof enough for you to give her an answer...

"Wanda... I- I am still angry with you for what you did..." you took a deep breath "and I know you're trying to apologize for it but I don't think that we can be in each other lives like before 'Liar'... and I think it would be best if you just gave me some space for a while 'Liar'..." you averted your eyes as you spoke and grew more anxious as she began to shift herself and fiddle with her rings

"You didn't answer my question..." she looked at you with her Emerald Eyes that had a pleading look in them "do you still care about me? Like before?"

You didn't realize it until you looked down at your hands to avert your eyes from her gaze but your hands were holding the SWORD sweater that you had on the last time you two were left alone together on good terms...the one that you burned because of how little control you have on yourself, the one that she repaired for you...your fingers absentmindedly traced the fabric where it was once singed and ruined beyond repair. You took a sharp breath and looked back up at her as you gathered your courage to give her the answer you knew you needed to say.

Emerald Eyes  (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now