Chapter 1 (Third Person POV)

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Word count: 2.8k

As soon as the quinjet lands Y/N is jolted awake in his seat, Natasha gives him a small smile as she gets up and makes her way to the now opening back of the jet. There's a silence that Y/N hasn't felt since he left, it's the kind of silence that has your heartbeat racing, the kind of silence one only feels when they return to a home that no longer feels like home. He never looked as fearful in front of Natasha as he did right now, she noticed the fear present in his eyes even as he composed himself to appear stone-faced in front of the emerald eyes that seemed to be scanning him, reading him for a sign of what she should do next.

Natasha took a quick inhale as she took his hand in hers, something that he never expected her to do. In the time that he's known her she has only ever taken his hand in life or death scenarios, or when they are sitting on the couch...and this is neither -unless you count his heart beating out of his chest and his mind racing with anxiety a life or death scenario- so he was very confused but allowed it because oddly... it seemed to be just what he needed as he saw the team he would hopefully call family.

The two of them grabbed their bags as the team approached the jets open door

"Well well well...if it isn't our little pyro, how have you been?"

Y/N knew as soon as he heard that voice who it belonged to, Tony Stark A.K.A. Iron-Man the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist who lied to him and sent him away.

"I've been good, as far as you know- being lied to and only finding out about it from the one person who came to visit me- but other than that great!" Y/N said with a plastered on smile that everyone could read, his attention then shifted to that of his favourite speedster "Pietro!" he let go of Nat's hand as he made his way over to his friend and was enveloped in a humungous and tight embrace within seconds.

Pietros smile could be seen from miles into space- correction it could be seen from the planet Knowhere- his arms didn't let go of the currently gasping for air young man in his arms until Natasha patted him on the back -very firmly- and he let go as the two started laughing

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN????!" Pietro yelled as he regained his composure.

Y/N gave him a more genuine smile when he looked at his best friend (No he hasn't taken Monicas spot I promise) "I was given some false information..." he looks over at Tony "...but Nat came to explain some stuff to me, sooooo I'll be joining the team and learning to control my abilities here with you"

Pietro's smile grew even more as he heard this news, but just before he was able to say something he looked down at Y/N's hands at the same moment that Natasha took it and his face turned to one of curious delight. Y/N wasn't able to speak up about Pietro's sudden change of face because another pair walked out to the landing pad.

Y/N was taken aback by the pair he saw walking towards the group of his new teammates that had started to gather around him and Natasha. It was another pair of Emerald Eyes that seemed to have a gleam in them for a moment, and a big walking easy bake oven that was the colour palette of a big purple dinosaur. They both seemed to be close as they walked together but Vision had a smugness to his face that didn't sit well with Y/N, as the two joined the group Wanda's eyes darted down to where Y/N and Natasha were connected and she seemed to shift uncomfortably for a moment before she joined hands with the synthezoid at her side.

Vision was quick to question Y/N's presence "I'm sorry to interrupt this delightful moment...but Mr Stark why is it that Agent Y/L/N is here? I thought it was best for the safety of the compound that he remains elsewhere to be evaluated?" this made the grip on Natashas hand tightened for a moment before releasing as she spoke up against Visions remark aimed at the Agent she seemed to have grown fond of "Well, decisions can change...and this one has, Y/N will be joining the team and training with us as he learns to control his abilities"

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