Chapter 2: (Y/N's POV)

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Word count: 1.3k

Your vehicle pulls up to the avengers compound your new home until...well you don't know for how long, all you were told after you graduated from the SWORD training program was that you had been selected from an agreement between SWORD and SHIELD as part of a new alliance between the two organizations to be more efficient.

You had no idea why you had been chosen out of all the recruits -well you had one idea but even then there were more impressive candidates- but you accepted the opportunity to be an olive branch of sorts between the two, you packed up your belongings as soon as you got the news because you were informed by Captain Steve Rogers that you would be escorted to the compound within the hour, your duffle bag was resting next to you on a bench as you sat outside the SWORD headquarters in your spare uniform waiting for your escort to arrive.

As soon as the matte black Jeep arrived in front of you, you knew exactly who was driving you and you let your smile grow as big as you could let it "Well if it isn't the little Rambeau.." you said to her as she hopped out of the driver's seat and made her way over to you " the hell have you been?" she chuckled as you wrapped her in a hug, your oldest friend from training Monica Rambeau smiled at you as you pulled back.

"I've been pretty good, about you? You know other than getting to train with the avengers and all"

You laughed at this because she used your nickname that you only allowed the other recruits from the first week of training to call you, and she knew just how much it annoyed you every time she said it "I've been okay, can't wait to escape that cursed name"

She put her hand on her chest and gave a playful smile "I feel offended by that, I'm the one who came up with such a creative name" you made your way to the trunk as she said this.

"yes...because Latin for fire is definitely the most creative, Mo"

She rolled her eyes at that and made her way back into the Jeep "You know I hate when you call me that"

You give her a cheeky smile as you hop into the passenger seat "Oh I know...would you rather me call you Little Rambeau?..." she glares at you "...I thought so"

And with that, you set off for the avengers compound

you both recount stories from your first few weeks of training together, you both are laughing the entire car ride to the compound.

 As you pull up Monica hands you a note "It's from the director herself.." she gives you a playful grin "...relish the fame while you can Igg"

You groan at the use of your -again horrid- nickname but can't help but smile "Thanks Mo..." you change to a playful serious face "...I'll be sure to go over it for any secret cyphers once I'm in my quarters"

You share a laugh at the inside joke between you as you make your way out of the car. As you walk up to the door you take a deep breath as Monica squeezes your shoulder and leads you inside the lobby. There you are greeted by none other than clumps of SHIELD agents and recruits who take glances at you as you make your way over towards Captain Rogers.

"Hello Sir, it is an honour to meet you," you say as you shake his hand and try to match his firm yet welcoming grip on you, he gives you a small smile.

"Trust me, if the things I've heard about you are true, then the pleasure is all mine" he lets go of your hand and hands you the manilla folder in his other.

The contents of it include:

Your training scheduleA map of the compoundThe meeting schedule for the weekThe recruit itinerary for the first three daysYour access card to the compoundThe meal schedule for the agent's cafeteria

You do a quick once over of its contents while Monica and the Captain discuss something very briefly, he gives you a curt nod before you and Monica head down the hallway in front of you.

You reach your quarters and turn back to Monica who motions for you to step in, it is quite simple compared to the SWORD accommodations you had been given, the room had a bed in one corner, a desk on the right side of the door, a small closet to the left of the door, there were a few shelves on a wall near your bed, and an entire wall that was one big window. There wasn't much for you to put around your room other than a few photos and books you had.

Monica gave him a sombre look as she knew this would most likely be the last time you two see each other for a long while. 

She slowly embraced you in a tight hug that you quickly returned with tears brimming in your eyes. "Take care Igg, I'll see you when you finish up here, okay?" you both didn't know when that would be when SHIELD and SWORD came up with the plan to assign you here they didn't inform you if this would be a permanent assignment or a temporary one like all the different training camps you rotated around in the program.

You let out a mix of a laugh and a scoff at the use of the nickname you never thought you'd miss. "Yeah, I'll take care I watch the skies for me, Mo? I'll take the ground?"

Monica and you pull apart and simply pat each other on the shoulder as you part ways. "Yeah, I got the skies" and with that, she slipped out of your room. You stood there for a second attempting to collect yourself and then proceeded to unpack your things.

There wasn't a lot for you to unpack so you made quick work of it, afterwards, you went on a tour of the compound with the other recruits and got offered to sit with a few at dinner that night.

At dinner, you were sitting with a group of recruits, they would occasionally ask you questions and try to get to know you but you weren't able to pay attention to them too much because of all the stares and glances that were thrown your way by the other recruits, this made you shift a lot and eventually, you excused yourself to leave and quickly hurry out of the cafeteria, you make your way to the compound library that you remembered from the tour earlier that day, as you entered you ask Friday for a book recommendation for the night and she offered you a list of books and you picked the one that sounded the most appealing "Middlemarch by George Elliot"

You made your way to the shelf and found a nice little spot in front of a big large window that overlooked a small lake and a grove of trees as the sun was setting on the compound, you had grabbed a mug of water from the cafeteria before you left and used one of the tea bags you saved from dinner, you quickly checked to make sure no one was around before cupped both hands around the mug and slowly boiled the water in the cup, you sat there for a few hours glancing up every few pages at the trees and small body of water in front of you before you called it a night and headed back to your room.

you made a mental note of coming back to the library again as you drifted off to sleep, excited for your first day of training at the compound the following morning...

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