Chapter 8: (Third Person POV)

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Word Count: 2.3k

After movie night Wanda avoided both (Y/N) and Vision. She avoided (Y/N) because she didn't want to be feeling this way, and every time she saw him she could only imagine herself with him, and every time she saw him with Natasha the sinking feeling in her chest would grow, and it would only get worse when she was with Vision.

The guilt she was feeling over everything was making it hard to even be alone with him, she couldn't look him in the eyes anytime he did something kind for her, she stopped sitting with him at dinners and meetings, she even stopped giving him kisses and hugs before missions.

These changes in her behaviour did not go unnoticed by the two, Y/N was scared that he did something to scare her or that he overdid it with all the one on one trips to the city and the post-mission ice cream dates...he caught up to her in the hallway one day after one of his training sessions.

"Wanda! Hey! Wait up!" he jogged up to her as she turned to face him, she plastered on a smile as he reached her " we haven't hung out in a I was wondering if I did anything at all or if I kinda overdid it with all the trips to the city" Wanda saw the look on his face change from a smile to a concerned look of desperation, "no, no nothing like that I promise"

"Well, then..." he paused for a moment and looked down "...then why have you been avoiding me?" he looked back up at her "You haven't exactly been subtle about it, anytime I enter the room you leave or you don't even look at me...I miss having you around, I miss talking with you" he did, he would wait for her for hours in the library, he would arrive early for movie night and even stay late after training just to say hi to her, and every time she saw him and looked away or turned the other direction his fears only grew.

She didn't want to admit it but she did miss being around him, she missed their late-night talks and the trips to the Sokovian market where he always tried to order in Sokovian and it would make her laugh for hours after, she missed... being close to him. "I'm sorry, somethings have just been alittle..." she pauses as she looks at his concerned eyes, she matches his with her own "...confusing is all, but I'm okay now...I promise" his face changed from concern to relief with a small smile at her promise.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out....maybe tonight?" he gave a wry smile as he waited for her response.

There was a look in his (Y/E/C) eyes that she could never say no to, she nodded and looked down to try and hide her smile "yes...I'd like that, very much..." she stopped hiding her smile as she looked up at him "...and I've missed you too" when she said that his eyes lit up and he began walking backwards away from her "meet in the lobby at 9?" she nodded, her smile never wavering as he gave a wide smile and turned away down the hall.

Wanda had begun spending more and more time with (Y/N), she noticed that he always would look at her while they were walking anywhere like he was worried she would walk off. He always noticed how she never talked about Vision or Natasha, when he would bring them up she would only say a few things and then change the subject. Eventually they both just never talked about them, they would focus on each other or the places they would visit, they went to a small diner in the city a lot and would go to the Sokovian market she had shown him. She would get him to try new Sokovian foods and candies, some he would request for movie night which made her smile every time she looked over at him shoveling them into his mouth.

Wanda and (Y/N) had gotten even closer than before, she would invite him to watch movies together in her apartment alone, or she would ask him to help her cook dinner for the team, she started to get more touchy with him, she would find any excuse to be close. He noticed this but only shrugged it off as her being friendly with him, he never says anything or stops it, he actually enjoys it and often initiates contact.

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