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y/n......y/n.......... you hear 

mhmmmm what's going on you ask

Omg she's awake someone said

You open your eyes and see 4 people standing around you....What's going on you ask

A tall figure appeared in front of you and said in a sweet voice Your okay your in Brightmoon and I am queen Angella

Your a princess you asked

She replies yes and no I am the queen my daughter here is the princess of Brightmoon her name is glimmer(glimmah)

And these are her friends Bow and Adora

You thought to yourself Adora why does that sound so familiar why do I know that name and why is it so important.

Adora is also known as SHE RA.

Your eyes widen and you exclaim ohhhh no! That can't be possible I sacrificed myself so no one can be SHE RA

Adora looked shocked and she asks but why

You look at her confused you didn't know what to say you were so confused as to what was happening
You than say I don't know I can't remember but it was something important

It's okay Queen Angella said with time we will find out we will also update you on what's going on in Etheria at the moment

How long was I gone for you ask

Queen Angella sighs and smiles to you and says in the nicest tone A 1000 years

Your eyes widen you should've been dead

I think that's enough information for one day, we'll talk to you tomorrow Queen Angella says 

They all exit the room and leave you to rest but you can't help but eavesdrop

What if she can still turn into SHE RA Adora asks
But you have the sword bow added.
BUT the sword can do unpredictable things like how it turned an ordinary horse in swift wind and If she can transform we can finally defeat the horde Glimmer says.

Your eyes widen in shock the horde you haven't heard that name in so long it was to much information to process in one day so you decided to head to bed.

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now