The Bedroom

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You enter the Bedroom and looked shocked the bedroom was decorated in candles and flower petals. You than hear the door shut you turn around and felt someone push your shoulder gently and you land on top of the bed

She was wearing a robe she slowly took of her robe to reveal her beautifully toned yet figured body she wore a lace bra that brought out her beautiful round breasts she than crawls on top of you and whispers in your ear your going to enjoy this because I'm hungry and you look like a snack 

She than puts her hand behind you and zips the zip down and slips the dress off she than smirks at you and touches your lips with her finger, She took that hand and placed it behind your head and she kissed you hard, she played with your tongue and it made you moan she only pulled away when she saw you begging for air and as she pulls away from each kiss it left strings of saliva she than asks mmmm is that berry pie she whispers  

She than slowly took of you underwear and ran her fingers down your body as she than licks the living life out of you, You arch your back and ran you fingers through her hair, Can't help but yell her name you want her to stop but at the same time you didn't

She than come up and licks her lips and says Do you know how long I wanted to do that 

You look at her and pant OMG that was amazing you sure you hadn't done that before

She than says No I saved it only for the one person I love. She than comes and lies next to you and she stares into your eyes

She than kisses your forehead and runs her fingers through your scalp, she than says that this will happen more often now that you both are married 

You than giggle and say I can get used to this

She than pulls you on top of her and strokes your hair as you rest your body on hers you both feel each others breast on each other and you rest your head on her Collarbone and you are able to smell her pleasantly light perfume and you fall asleep she than says Good night my wife

You blushed and went to bed. You felt amazing and slept like a baby because you felt safe in her arms.

But this was just the beginning you had your whole lives ahead of you the future was both of your to plan and be happy 

You wake up the next day and decide to take a shower, you put the water on and stand underneath the stream of water. You put your head up, closed your eyes and felt each droplet of water fall on your face while you run your hands through your hair 

Suddenly you felt hands on your waist and they pushed you towards the wall you open you eyes and see Shadow she than whispers Good Morning my love in your ear. She than goes down to your neck and starts kissing it to the point she had left marks, She than kisses you while she runs her slender fingers up your legs she than enters and goes back and forth you hold onto her neck for support you softly moan in her ear she than helps you soap your body and you also help her with hers.

You both exit the shower and get dressed since the wedding Shadow felt more comfortable with her body and so she wore something new ( whatever the reader chooses for her ). She turns and you tell her how beautiful she looked she blushes and thanks you 

You both exit the room and hold hands you forgot about the marks Shadow left. You and Shadow enter the meeting room and you hear everyone giggle, Adora than says Someone had fun last night you than remember the marks on your neck. Luckily Shadow had a scarf and covered it. It smelt like her so you took a deep breath in 

Glimmer than interrupts and says something that might change everything. She than says that she found a way to bring back Queen Angella you looked at Adora she was just as surprised as you were. 

You than looked at Shadow as she pulled you closer to her. She could feel your heart beating fast as you were worried.

The End of Book 1

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now