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You turned to tried to see who it was. It was shadow 

SHHHHHHHH they'll hear you she said You quickly put an invisibility spell over yourself and squeeze hug her

She poked indicating she needed to breathe you let go of her and her takes you to the library she pulls a book from the shelf and a door opens she pulls you inside and takes of her mask and kisses the living daylight out of you

you than hear a voice saying " I'm here to you know"

she pulled away and let you breathe the mysterious voice was Castaspella you than went and gave her a hug

She chuckled careful or else your damsel in distress will get jealous you laughed as you pulled away from the hug you went back to shadow weavers side

What is this place you asked

This was the place I used to study while I was light spinner it was a special room I built for myself so I could study in peace shadow said

So what did you discover you ask

Casta than says We have found that the heart of Etheria can be contained using a failsafe 

Wait a fail safe they found it you say 

Huh what do you mean they found it Shadow asks

My team and I were trying to find a way to use the heart without releasing all the raw energy so we tried to contain some of the energy and use it to find a an anti code or something that prevents the heart to release all of its energy almost like an off switch I didn't think they would be able to find it they must've figured it out as I activated the heart you said

But there has to be catch you than asked

Shadow sighed a person can absorb the fail safe but the if the try to absorb the hearts energy it will incinerate them 

So that means that only SHE RA can absorb the heart you ask

Yes she replied

Wait Shadow how do you know so much about the heart asked Casta

Yeah what are you not telling us, telling me you asked

She sighed I might have wanted the power to myself but when I researched and saw what it would do to me so I left it alone.

So you didn't bother telling us this the first time it happened you could have prevented all of this, you could won peoples trust back HOW COULD YOU you saw what it did to all of us, to me and you didn't bother to tell anyone, I trusted you You said

Shadow Weaver looked in amazement she had never seen you mad before she tried to apologize and put her hand on you but you shrugged it off. 

Come on Casta we have to go and tell everyone what we've discovered 

You and Casta than draw a teleportation spell you didn't even want to look at Shadow Weaver but you did feel bad for yelling at because you still loved her

You, Casta and Shadow Weaver than hold hands and you all are now outside the rebel camp

Shadow wanted to speak to you but you turned and said even if I have to get the fail safe myself I will

She looks at you and you see tears falling from her mask as you walk away

You entered the camp to find Adora, Bow and Glimmer sitting next to each other. You go to them at tell them what The Mystacor team has discovered.

They said they've discovered the same thing too 

Adora than takes you to the meeting tent

She sighs and you both say in unison I'll take the fail safe 

NO i'll take it Adora you said We are a team we can take it together she says 

You pull her in for a hug and say Damn right we will

Adora than calls Glimmer, Bow, Castaspella, Catra and Shadow Weaver to the meeting tent

OK so the plan is to go to the crystal of Arxia and Mystacor and get the fail safe says Adora

So as we all know Mysatcor is under the rule of King Micah at the moment the plan is to get Melog to turn us invisible as Shadow Weaver leads us towards the crystal you say

Once were inside Adora and I will get the failsafe together as you say this you look towards Shadow Weaver you could tell the expressions she made behind her mask by the movement of her eyes and you could tell she was worried but it didn't bother you

Are we all ready Adora asks everyone nods in unison 

You, Casta and Shadow Weaver than cast a teleportation spell and arrive outside the lunarium. Melog than turns you guys invisible and you guys follow Shadow Weavers lead to a secret door next to Light Spinners Statue

She than asks you and Casta to help her open the door you all cast the spell and the door opens 

You start going through the tunnel until you came to some tapestries you asked Casta what it was and she said it was about the spell of obtainment

You than look at Shadow Weaver she than says the spell of obtainment was a mistake I don't get why you keep bringing it up

You than come to a room with a wall of fire Adora accidently steps through it and Catra quickly jumps in to save her 

Adora says did you just jump in fire for me 

You start to giggle

Shadow Weaver than says it's an illusion we must be close. as we walk through the fire you turned back to see Shadow Weaver talking to Adora you couldn't help it but you felt sad and scared the love of your life betrayed you without even knowing it.

We are here you said 

You heard footsteps you said to Adora if were doing this we better be quick. You both run to the crystal and say we're friends of y/n. The crystal than opens and you both hold hands and stand inside 

The crystal lifts you both and you suddenly feel your whole body seize and hurt you felt as if your body was being crushed you turned your head and saw King Micah he had cast dark magic on everyone and it was slowly consuming them.

You looked at Shadow Weaver she was with Glimmer she was trying to protect her you than couldn't bare to see your friends hurt anymore 

You and Adora both scream  FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL  

You than strike King Micah with your staff Adora than used her sword to create energy ropes to tie them together you than take them and throw them on the other side of the fire and block the entrance Shadow Weaver, Casta and You quickly draw a teleportation spell and it took all of you to the rebellion camp 

You had looked down to your chest and there it was the failsafe 

You than went to Adora and said we can do this as you pulled her in for a hug 

You seen at the corner of you eye Shadow Weaver was upset and saw tears trickling down her mask but saving Etheria is more important 

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now