The Landing

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It's been a week since Shadow decided to leave for Mystacor. The Horde had infiltrated the last camp so you had to go to Hordes old hide out in the Whispering Woods.

Suddenly the ground started shaking you than ran out to see what was going on. It was the ship it was about time they came back. You run the to the ship anxiously waiting for the door to open.

The door opens and you see Adora, Glimmer and Bow you run and hug them tightly to the the point their gasping for air.

Oops sorry you check there necks to see if there chipped, they were clean you suddenly see a figure coming toward them you than lunge yourself at whoever it was and gave them a punch. It was Catra, you start strangling her. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BITCH DOING HERE. Calm down she's on our side Adora said.

You let go of her throat and apologize, you get off of her and help her up. 

You than see a Horde soldier. Okay what about him as you point toward the soldier

Yeah his good too Entrapta says as she comes out of the ship you go to her and hug her too and than a weird cat thing comes out of the ship. HOW MANY THINGS DID YOU GET BACK you asked. 

They all start laughing don't worry we rescued it, it's also magical Adora says 

You knelt down and petted the creature and said I'm magic too as your eyes glowed

Adora than says so you were able to transform too. 

Yep but we have a lot to discuss you say. You than lead them to the meeting tent 

OK so this is the situation King Micah, Mermista, Scorpia and Spinerella have all been chipped, Shadow Weaver has gone to Mystacor with the help of Castaspella to help find a way to stop Horde Prime as you say that tears start forming in your eyes 

Hey its okay we'll find a way to save them said Glimmer

Everyone starts to leave the tent but you called back Adora. 

Adora I need you to go to the Fright Zone and try to save Spinerella, Mermista and Scorpia Please you said

And what about you Adora asks

You sighed Shadow Weaver sent a message, she said that King Micah has been chipping everyone in Mystacor, she and Castapella are in hiding at the moment and I need to go see if she's ok

Adora than smiles and laughs I knew something was up between you two 

Your heart misses a beat you than said WHAT 

She than said ever since the coronation I've seen you two get close 

Wait who are you talking about you ask 

Castaspella who else you dumby

Your heart went back to its right rhythm you exhaled and said yep it's Casta

You than exited the tent and you felt someone pull you, it was Glimmer

What is it now you say

Its not Aunt Casta isn't it 

You sighed and said no its Shadow ever since she left I've been worried sick I have to go and see if she's okay you than said

Glimmer understood she than said its not my place to tell Adora its yours but pick the right time to tell her anyways I am happy for you and good luck because you'll need it 

Thanks and can I ask you a favor you ask 

Yeah she says 

Can you help me draw a teleportation spell you grinned as you ask

Fine she replied

You both enter your tent and draw the spell you than entered it 

You are than teleported to the lunarium in Mystacor 

Someone than came from behind you and covered your mouth

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now