The Rescue Mission

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You and Adora had tried to find a way to save them without the sword and the staff. It was nearly impossible but you had to try they were your friends you couldn't leave them and who knows what the horde was doing to them.

Queen Angella had appeared and said How am I going to make a decision, the Horde is asking for me in exchange for Glimmah.

We will find a way your majesty we promise Adora said as you and Adora exit

You both grab a wooden staff to help since we were already trained to fight

We were heading out of the castle when the other princesses joined

We weren't gonna let you go on your own Mermista said

So Adora devised a plan and you decided to go with it that was until it all went horribly wrong Entrapta kept going missing, Scorpia thought sea hawk was an inspector and Mermista was getting lost in the sewers

But you all managed to meet up with each other, Adora decided that Adora and you go find Glimmer and the rest will find Bow

So you both go searching for Glimmer but than you saw a red light at the corner of your eye and you told Adora to go this way

Adora and you both follow the red light into a chamber with a big blood red crystal in the middle suddenly a shadow figure appeared
She had shot you with a bolt
And you had passed out
The next thing you know Adora was being strapped on to a table and this figure was hovering over her she yelled you'll never get away with this shadow weaver
You look and see this weirdly beautiful figure standing in front of you she put her hand on your cheek and you suddenly began to feel warm but than she said You all won't make it out of here alive in a weirdly mysterious voice

She than walks towards Adora and she says I will now erase your memory you will have no memory of the princesses and so on.  She than started zapping Adora with sum sort of magic

Glimmer was beside you unconscious but than she woke up and started to become all glitchy she than somehow saved Adora she got us both the sword and the staff and we both transformed FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!
Shadow weaver looked amazed but she was only looking at you for some reason it made you feel weird you both stared at each other for a little and than you ran to Adora and Glimmer. We had think fast and get out of here. You than saw a door and started running towards it there you saw Bow flying a weird spaceship looking thing. They helped you guys onto the ship.

But something was wrong, someone was missing, you yelled WHERE'S ENTRAPTA! They all looked down Adora than asked where is she? Bow than explained that she had died trying to help them get out of the fright zone. Those words struck you you had felt a tears rolling down your face and it suddenly became cold

The other princesses decided that the princess alliance was a bad idea and they all decided to leave it

You thought to yourself what are we going to do now?

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