The Wedding

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You thought this was the end didn't you but this just the beginning says Madam Razz

You looked into the window and it seemed as if it was yesterday all of you saved Etheria
You look next to you and there she was the love of your life snoring away

You decided to pinch her nose so she would wake up. Well she did wake up She looked at you and said I was dreaming

You looked at her and said of what

She looked at you and said I was dreaming of you and you disrupted it your going to get punished for that

She goes on top of you and presses your hands down over your head
She than looks at your lips and bites her bottom lip
She than kisses you hard you want to fall into the kiss but you didn't want to give in, you eventually did.
You than say Ewwww morning breath
She than laughs and lies beside you

I want you to meet me at the garden when the sun is at its highest she said

You ask Ok but why

It's a surprise y/n you'll have to wait and find out for yourself she says as she pokes your nose

Fine you said while you tried not to blush

You anxiously wait until sun reaches its peak
It's time you said excitedly
You go out to the garden but no one's there
You than turn around and see Shadow unmasked in front of you and she's on one knee

Y/n will you do me the honor of becoming my wife she says

OMG YESSSS you say as you fall on her

She that puts the beautiful blue diamond ring on your finger which brings out the colour of your eyes

Since your going to be my wife I have a question How old are you? You've never told me

She laughs and says well I'm only telling because your my wife now I'll be turning 40 soon
You looked at her wide eyed than how do you look so young
She laughed well I used a youth spell a long time ago so that's why I still look 20

But that's cheating you say

Who says that she asked She than says your about a 1021 years old so that's not cheating You than giggle

She than says I wanted to propose now because everyone else is proposing today as well she showed you a tablet

Catra proposed to Adora in the Fright Zone

Seahawk proposed to Mermista at the Dolphins Club

Bow proposed to Glimmer on top of the highest mountain in Etheria

Entrapta proposed to Hordak in space

You look at her and say who's going to organize the wedding

She nervously grins and says Castaspella

Oh no you said back You remember what happened during the coronation

Well the weddings are being held in Mystacor so she'll probably get some help since King Micah's back 

I hope so you say

Ok we have a dinner tonight so dress nicely she said
You said okay

You decided to wear a figure tight dress with a slit that goes all the way up your leg with high heels you wore your hair down and wore your engagement ring

You headed down to the hall and you look around for Shadow you turn and she's standing behind you
She wore something different she wore a strapless dress that went down to her ankles her dress was red
Her shoulder and arms were exposed for the first time her collarbone was so prominent and she was very toned, her hair was up for the first time which really brought out the sharpness of her jawline

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now