The End

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You had fallen asleep but you heard Adora get up and leave you than decided to follow her but you saw Shadow Weavers tent you decided to enter it she was unmasked reading a book, she looked up and saw you she than asked What do you want

You sighed and went to sit next to her you said I'm sorry about what happened in Mysatcor I sometimes forget that people can change and that's what you did you changed for me, you changed for Etheria, I was a bit harsh on you you said

She looked at you but than saw the fail safe she sighed and said I changed for you but you still chose Etheria


She answers back saying I MEAN you could've let Adora take the failsafe and you could've stayed with me but NO you had to go be the HERO and share the failsafe

you replied with I THOUGHT YOU SAID you would support me after all this time now your saying this, if you had said this before I would have never fallen in love with you You gasped and covered your mouth and said I didn't mean it

Shadow Weaver than looks at you and says I love you but I can't support you if your going to DIE

You look at her confused

She than says I'M NOT A FRICKING IDIOT I know you can't transform into SHE RA and it's because of me so GO AND BE THE HERO, GO AND LEAVE ME ALONE TO MOURN YOUR DEATH.LEAVEE!

FINE you say with tears falling down your face

Adora comes to you and says were leaving you get Glimmer and Bow and you all exit the camp you look back and see Shadow Weaver with tears in her eyes as she looks away from you

You and Glimmer than draw a teleportation spell and teleport to the heart

You, Adora, Bow and Glimmer than run through the corridor you than look to your left and Shadow Weaver is standing there in a beautiful red dress, she is scarred but that didn't matter to you, you loved her for who she was but she looked absolutely gorgeous she than takes her hand and puts it on your cheek you try and reach for her but its an illusion you decided to move on but you suddenly feel like your losing SHE RA again

You close your eyes for a second than open it you weren't in the corridor anymore you were in the whispering woods

You looked and saw the sword. It was at the place you left it and the place Adora found it

You and Adora decide it was best for the both of you to go alone so you both held the sword and said you last good byes to Bow and Glimmer

You and Adora were than teleported to a cliff that looked over to the rest of Etheria you looked at her and said I will be with you the whole way but I have something to tell you


The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now