The Ship

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Etheria was slowly being taken over by the Horde
You had to think quick and find a place to hide you than remembered the place you had landed it was isolated and in the deepest part of the woods

So you tell the princesses and they start making camp there

Since there wasn't much tents you decided that Shadow and you will share a tent

It was a long day of moving everything and you decided to go to bed early while the other princesses were near the campfire talking

You enter the tent and see Shadow sitting on her chair as usual reading a book
She sees you and asks you to come and sit next to her

You go and sit next to her and you put your head on her shoulder you than sigh
She asks you whats wrong
I'm just tired you say

You were leaning on her shoulder and you were just about to fall asleep when Perfuma walked in

She looks at the both of you and smiled

See I knew something was up with you too
You woke up and looked at Perfuma
OH SHIT Perfuma you can't tell anyone especially Adora she's going to freak out

Fine, but you guys look so cute together even though I don't even know what Shadow Weaver looks like said Perfuma

You giggled a bit and said she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen

Shadow than looked up from her book and looked towards you and you could tell she was blushing

Okay I'll give you 2 love birds some space Perfuma said said as she ran out
You shook your head and giggled

You than turn to face Shadow she was unmasked I wasn't lying you know you say

I know she says back She gives you a kiss and you fall asleep on her lap as she caressed your cheek and played with your hair

Meanwhile Bow and Entrapta had found a way to fix the ship so it can fly to space
It was the next day you got up and went to the meeting tent Adora had announced that they'll be going to space tonight since the ship was fixed

You than go to her and say Hey Adora

Please don't say that it reminds of Catra she says

Oh ok anyways I've decided I'll stay here on Etheria it'll be better I'll lead the troops here while you are in space

I think its a good idea at least I know the people are in good hands she says as she puts her hand on shoulder

I will protect Etheria you say
And I will bring back Glimmer she replied
You than help them get ready to depart and you all say your goodbyes

You tool a deep breath in and reassured yourself that you could do this as you see the ship leave

You than leave to go to the tent but you didn't see Shadow Wever there instead you saw her sitting on a log looking at the whispering woods and the stars

You go sit next to her

I wasn't always like this bitter and mean, I was a nice person people just misunderstood me all I wanted was to help Etheria I was once a very powerful sorceress but I made a stupid decision because I wanted power and after that I became bitter.
I want to change for the better but I'm scared I know that I had hurt Adora and Catra and I truly feel sorry but I don't know how to express it Shadow said

You put your hand in hers and say it will take time but they'll forgive you

You both look at the stars and Shadow falls asleep on your lap
You than carry her to the tent and lay her gently on the bed and carefully remove her mask you look at her beautiful face and kiss her cheek
She than mumbles sleep next to me
You than get changed and sleep next to her she pulls you closer and puts her arm across you and whispers in your ear Good Night babe.

Wow thats the first time she's said that you start blushing you than relax and fall asleep on her chest 

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now