A New Beginning

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After a few days you had grown fond of Shadow Weaver. You helped her garden and you spent most of your time together while Adora, Glimmer and Bow went to figure out what was going on with the portal

It was nice to have a friend besides the best friend squad
But she was more than a friend she had a place in your heart and you felt warm around her
You only hoped she had felt the same way
While you were thinking this you felt a hand on your shoulder you turned to see Shadow Weaver

I sense great Power in you she said

Of course I mean I am SHE RA you said back

No no, this is a different power my dear almost as if you could wield the magic around you Shadow Weaver answered back

Like a sorcerer you asked

Yes if I could train you and Glimmer the rebellion will be so powerful she said

You thought for a while and agreed

Good we'll start lessons tomorrow

Its the next day and you meet Glimmer and Shadow Weaver in the garden

She teaches you a few spells but the last spell you couldn't get it right she saw you struggling so she comes near you

She rests her gentle hands on your waist and brings her other hand to your hand and she helps you draw the spell

But you weren't concentrating on the spell you were fixated on her white glowing eyes wondering what lies underneath it

y/n it would be easier if you concentrated on the spell than my face as she brought her hand to your cheek

You suddenly felt warm and could feel your cheeks turn pink so you hide your face hoping she hadn't seen it.

You than ask her "if your not busy tonight is it okay if I come over and learn a few more spells"

She agrees

You felt happy and couldn't wait for tonight

The night had come and you made your way towards her chambers and knocked

Come in she said

As you entered you saw her putting a book down

Shall we begin she said
You nodded

She started teaching you and you hadn't realized how fast time went suddenly one of the spells went wrong and hurt you arm badly

There was blood dripping from your arm she came closer to inspect the wound

Take a seat I'll get some alcohol to clean the wound

So you take a seat it didn't take long for her to come back

She knelt and was pouring the alcohol on your wound you were trying your best not to cry but you suddenly felt a tear drop

She looked and stared into your eyes and you stared into hers she slowly removed her mask and you had seen the most beautiful face you have ever seen it may have been scarred but it was still so beautiful you stare into her green eyes

She than comes closer and your lips collide you didn't know what was going on but it felt so good she kissed you like you meant something to her she than pulled away to breathe

You than said What was that

She than became wide eyed she didn't expect that to happen but than she said
I wanted that since the first day I saw you in the fright zone

You were still confused as to what happened but than 3 words had come out of your mouth I.....I love you

She didn't expect that and she hugged you tightly you felt safe in her arms she than whispers in your ear I love you too

You look at your arm and the wound had disappeared but you were tired and didn't want to go to your room so she offered for you to sleep in her bed and you agreed you had than went to bed and she came closer to you and kissed you on the cheek and cuddled you until you fell asleep
What a wonderful day

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now