The End Part 2

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But I have something to tell you. I think I'm losing SHE RA you say I'm scared and depressed and anxious and I can't do that if I'm SHE RA 

Adora chuckles with tears is her eyes and says I was going to tell you the same thing she than looks at you and says I will be with you all the way 

She pulls you in for a hug you both than look at the back you it was Horde Prime 

Sorry to break up this reunion here, He pauses and looks at you he than says I know you, you thought you could save your planet by teleporting it to Despondos Hmm well guess what I'm back and I will use the heart to bring peace to the universe and this time I will succeed

You than look at him and say you'll never stop us we'll destroy you 

He than says "Yeah I won't destroy you but the first ones security defense will he laughed as he disappeared

You than saw two tentacle looking things and said OH FUCK

This is Shadow Weavers POV

I can't believe she left me for Etheria you say as you sit down 

You than see Catra run in yelling Adora

You than say "She's not here"

What do you mean she's not here Catra asks

You than reply She's gone with her friend to go save Etheria. You couldn't help but feel sad the love of your life was going to sacrifice herself so you could live

The Horde is taking over Etheria he is sending a virus to the Heart of Etheria they need our help and I saw how she looked at you. You love her, so do something good for once in your life and save her and the love of my life please said Catra 

She was right you take whatever crystal powder you have and make a teleportaion spell you both end up in the corridor that leads to the heart 

You see Bow and Glimmer

Catra asks them where Adora and y/n were

They left us, they said 

You than say Go and help the other princesses we'll take it from here I promised that y/n that I'll support her no matter what its about time I made good on that

Catra said something similar 

Bow and Glimmer head than left and with whatever strength I had left Catra and I went running down the hall

Your POV 

You and Adora try and dodge the tentacles but it hits you both you both than transform into your normal selves

The wound that the creature made was unusual it left green residue that slowly poisoned our bodies

You and Adora supported each other into the corridor that leads to the heart

But than you heard a crashing sound it was Catra she had started attacking the creature

She than signals to someone to help take us to the heart it was Shadow Weaver ? she supported both of us and started to take us to the heart 

What are you doing here You asked

I love you I wasn't going to let you die alone she replied

We were almost there but then Catra yelled 

Shadow looked back and said I believe in the both of you and love both you so much she said that than left to Catra

You get whatever remaining strength you have and go towards the creature you see Shadow Weaver push Catra back into the corridor 

She than put a spell on the door to avoid us from going to her 

She than takes off her mask, You knew exactly what she was going to do you gathered enough energy and made a spell to remove the spell from the door you than take the rest of the power you have and create a spell so powerful it incenerates the beast 

You tried look for Shadow Weaver and there she was lying on the ground you run to her and carry her to the heart while Catra takes Adora

You than leave Shadow with Catra and take Adora to go beneath the heart

You than feel weak and collapsed

You than appeared in a meadow somehow and Shadow was there she was in a beautiful gown and she was looking over the meadow and said I love more than all the stars in the Universe, you give me life, you are my life my love, and I will never change it for any sort of power

You tried to reach for her hand but you realized it wasn't real soon Horde prime showed up and said What a lovely Ending to bad it will never happen

Suddenly the meadow became dark and you felt trapped but than you heard a voice it was Shadow

I love you my darling and that I will never stop loving you, So please don't give up on me she said

I failed again what makes you think that I won't fail on you you say

Because if you had failed on me you would have never have loved me but I know you do, I know you love me, so please Don't give up now.

You than realized she was right you did love her so you reached and  took her gentle gray hand and she pulled you in

You wake up and see her beautiful face with tears in them and say " You're right I do love You "

She than puts her hand on your cheek and gives a tender loving kiss

Lets go home you say 

You and Adora both shout FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL

You both than walk out and destroy all of Horde Primes Ships and Heal Etheria

You than see Adora walk to Catra 

Shadow says "I knew they loved each other"

You replied "Right you knew"

You both start laughing suddenly someone poked you it was Adora

Soooooo It wasn't Casta she said 

Nope you giggled 

She than asked Why didn't you tell me

I was scared about what all of you were going to say you replied 

Hahaha Silly She looks at Shadow and says She changed inside and on the outside you really changed her and that means she really loves you, I think she deserves a second chance What do you think Catra

Catra looks at her and says Yes 

Bow and Glimmer come out of know where and knock you all down the hill 

Shadow than says this is just the beginning of another adventure

We all laughed our heads of 


you thought this was the end but its just the beginning

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now