The Heart

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You wake up all groggy the last thing you remembered was Shadow and Adora storming into your room while you were yelling in pain.

You had heard the door open it was Adora she came and sat next to you.

You still felt weak but you managed to ask her how long you were out for.

Hi y/n, you were out for about a month she said.

A MONTH WHAT! you exclaimed.

You than proceed to ask her what all happened while you were out

She takes a deep breathe and says that since you were out the Hordak managed to send a signal out to Horde Prime and Glimmer has been spending time with Shadow and she wasn't comfortable with it and so she was on bad terms with Glimmer she also said that she found your ship and found the recording you made before you crashed, she also said how she went to Light Hope for answers but wasn't getting anything out of her and that Shadow Weaver mentioned we should use the raw energy of the heart of Etheria to super charge the princesses but she thought it was a bad idea.

Wow slow down and breathe ok you said

You than proceed to tell her the dream you had you also explained to her that using the heart was a bad idea and that if the power from the heart was released it would have catastrophic consequences

Adora than said she knew what was going on and that Catra had banished Entrapta to beast Island and that they used your ship to go save her but than they had seen King Micah also and that they came back now.

WOW I missed all of this dang it but than you asked her immediately WHERE IS GLIMMER! she than explains to you what the Horde was doing and that she went to Light Hope to look for answers

You than realize the same thing that happened to you was going to happen again


Adora nodded

You jumped out of bed but Adora wanted to ask you one last question you ask her what it was

She than says that while you were out she had seen Shadow Weaver come into your room multiple times and wondered what was going on

You decided to not answer the question because at the moment the important thing was to stop Glimmer

You ran out of the room to the garden where you see Shadow Weaver talking to Glimmer before she teleports with Scorpia........wait what is Scorpia doing here oh nevermind that's not important at the moment

You run to Shadow Weaver and ask her where they went

Oh I'm glad to see your ok and they've gone to the fright zone she's going to help Scorpia reconnect to the black garnet

OH SHIT! it is happening again you explained to Adora and Shadow Weaver what happened before and why you had put Etheria in Despandos

They both now were worried you told Adora she needed to go to Light Hope and stop her from activating the heart while you and Shadow Weaver try to stop Glimmer

Adora agrees she runs out of the garden you face Shadow Weaver

You than ask her to come with you she agrees, she than helps you draw a teleportation spell and you both look into each others eyes and hold hands you than arrive at the fright zone but you were too late Scorpia had already reconnected with the black garnet you only hoped that Adora could stop Light Hope.

Suddenly you see Glimmer and Scorpia glowing soon after you started glowing as well

OH F*** its happening again Adora couldn't stop her and you failed again you soon transformed into SHE RA and tried to stop it you saw the princesses in pain and screaming you turned to Shadow Weaver and said no matter what happens I'm not going to fail again I'm going to fight it

She looked at you worryingly she said that she'll be right next to you that she'll never leave your side you suddenly felt immense pressure on you.

You tried to fight the urge to lift the staff because you knew exactly what was going to happen

You tried so hard but you couldn't resist it you lifted the staff but you heard a whisper it was Shadow she was telling you to break it.

You had thought about what she said and decided it was for the best, so you get whatever strength you had left and struck the staff on the ground.

The staff had broken into many pieces but it was to late the planet had gone through the portal into a different galaxy.

You than had seen Glimmer but Hordak had come and was about to shoot her, suddenly there was a green flash around them you turned your face because the light was to bright for your eyes

You look back and see them disappear

NOOOOO! you drop to the ground crying Its happened were doomed

You turn to Shadow Weaver she comes next to you and pulls you into her arms and tries to comfort you but you couldn't think straight

You felt so useless you had broken the staff and you had failed once again

What were going to do now your bestfriend is missing SHE RA is gone Horde Prime is here and you could have avoided all of this if you had succeeded the first time.

You felt like it was all your fault


Shadow looks at you and puts her hand on your cheek and says I will be with you all the way no matter what, now lets go to Adora we need to discuss battle strategies and how to get Glimmer back

You agreed ,She drew a teleportation spell around you since you were too weak and teleported you back to Brightmoon

She takes off her mask and kisses you softly she puts her mask back on and you fall asleep in her arms

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now