The Mission (Plumeria)

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You finally had the strength to get up and move around you also had done a little bit of training but something felt wrong like a part of you was missing could it have been the sword you didn't know

You had made your way to the meeting room where Bow, Adora and Glimmer where planning something

What's up You asked

Oh nothing we're trying to get the princess alliance together

Sounds exciting I wish I could go you say

Glimmer looks at Adora beggingly

Fine she can come Adora says Glimmer and You start jumping around with joy

Okay so the Mission is to provide supplies to plumeria the villagers had also warned us there is a horde camp near by

At that moment Queen Angella walks in and says YOU WILL NOT GO TO THE HORDE CAMP understood

We all nod with agreement

Adora had transformed into SHE RA and we were on our way to plumeria but you kept feeling a part of you was missing.

We had arrived at plumeria a once beautiful place filled with flowers and plants creating a beautiful scene but something was wrong this time everything seemed like it was dying

Just as You turned a princess appeared a beautiful girl with flowers stuck in her lovely wavy blonde hair

Hello she welcomed my name is Perfuma

We all greeted her but her eyes darted to the 8 foot figure next to us

ITS SHE RA she exclaimed we are saved
As we entered the village we were welcomed with flower garlands and snacks Perfuma approaches me and says you look familiar where have I seen you

You gulped and said hi I'm y/n. Her eyes widen and she says we all are saved there are 2 SHE RAs
Oh no, I'm an ordinary person, I don't wield the sword anymore Adora does You said

Oh well I have hope that something good will happen today said Perfuma

You sighed and said I hope so too

She took us to the runestone it was embedded in a big tree but the tree seemed like it was dying suddenly there were black and yellow lines appearing across the tree.
It's being poisoned Adora said.
You look towards the horde camp and there was a clouds smoke being emitted

We all decided to ignore Queen Angella's words and go investigate we had found out that there was a machine pumping poison into the ground

Glimmer decided it was best to attack and destroy the machine

We all agreed

So we went in disguised as horde soldiers but it didn't work we were soon surrounded Adora had turned into SHE RA and started attacking the sword flew from her hand and landed near you You decided to pick it up and throw it back but it started to glow and suddenly You didn't feel the sword anymore it felt like a staff

The sword had fallen from your hands but your hands still felt like it had something in it. It was a staff  you quickly threw the sword back to SHE RA and you lifted the staff and said FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL you had felt magic coursing through your veins  

Everybody paused and looked in astonishment

Than we all heard a rustling sound it was Perfuma we had quickly destroyed the horde camp and Perfuma agreed to join the princess alliance.

Everything felt whole again

This is what the staff would look like if I were to envision it but everyone has their preferences

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This is what the staff would look like if I were to envision it but everyone has their preferences

And sorry if the drawing is sloppy

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