Oh Shit

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You lie in bed looking at the ceiling and than you looked at Shadow and you felt like your the luckiest person on earth

Suddenly the door opened you paid no attention to it that's until Bow, Glimmer and Adora walked in you looked at them and they looked at you
Shadow than opened her eyes and than saw the trio standing at the door luckily she had a sheet over her otherwise they would have seen her unmasked

Shadow than said "oh she was here because she was learning a spell and she got tired so I offered for her to sleep in my bed"

Okayyyyy said Glimmer

Anyways we found out what's going on with the portal Shadow Weaver we need your help to take us to the fright zone said Adora

Okay than what are you all waiting for out all of you out said Shadow Weaver

You all exit the room and you get dressed it was gonna be a long day

We all met up with each other at the runestone you help Shadow weaver draw out the teleportation spell

She than asked for Glimmers and your hand and you are teleported to the fright zone

But you and Adora had appeared somewhere else
Catra came out of no where and stunned both you
She than said well that worked a bit too well
You had blacked out after that

You had suddenly felt your hand stinging you wake up to see Entrapta with the staff and the sword which she put into a weird machine Adora was next to you still unconscious

Entrapta you can't do this the planet can't take that much magical energy it will destroy everything you said

I had done the diagnostics and I think it will work now that we have both the keys

Your heart sank you tried to tell Entrapta but she didn't listen

Entrapta had than left the room and you heard arguing

Catra and Hordak than show up Hordak asks Catra where Entrapta was she said that she had betrayed the horde by letting the princesses in

At that moment Shadow Weaver arrived she was about to say something but Catra turned on the portal

You had than woke up and couldn't remember anything
You turned and saw Shadow you had no idea what was going on

What are you doing up so early Shadow asked

Idk I had a weird dream that's all you said

You looked around it seemed like you were in the fright zone

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now