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Ever since the portal you've been having flash backs on what had happened during the crash and from the portal
You had also wondered if Shadow remembered what had happened and if the words she said before disappearing meant anything

But today wasn't about you it was Glimmers coronation and after the unfortunate death of Queen Angella you wanted to make her day special

You get up and get dressed ready for the day to come. You were going to make this day special for Glimmer.

As you are walking through Brightmoon's halls you spot Adora. You run to her ask what was going on.

She explains that the princesses have arrived and are helping Castaspella decorate. She also says that we shouldn't remind Glimmer about what happened and instead to make this day fun

You agree and so you decided to make your way to meet Castaspella who was not doing a good job organizing the princesses.

Hey you must be Castaspella, You asked

Yes I am my dear and your y/n the old SHE RA

Yeahhhhh, you could say that you replied

OK, I need your help organizing all the princesses I'm struggling here, Casta says.

Don't worry about it You say.

Glimmer than comes out in her royal gown along with Adora and Bow

Aren't you coming Adora asks.

Nah, I better stay and sort out all this shit but tell me everything when you get back and good luck You say

Adora nods and goes with Glimmer and Bow through the parted Waterfall

OKAY show time, Perfuma your in charge of flower decorating, Mermista can you do the fountains and Frosta can you do a statue of queen Angella holding hands with Glimmer. We shouldn't ignore the fact that she sacrificed her life so all of us can live we should remember her today as the Queen that saved Etheria.

You turned to look at everyone and they look so proud of you but your eyes dart to the corner of hall you see Shadow Weaver unmasked smiling at you, you soon have butterflies in your stomach. She looked proud of the work you had done, She than mouths "meet me in my chambers after your done" she than winks at you and she leaves.

You than look at everyone else and smile as everyone was working hard to make this day special.

A few hours went by and everything was perfect Casta complimented your work and leadership she also said that she was so glad that Glimmer has friends like you. You had felt proud and excited but it was getting late you hoped that everything was going well.

It was not long but they had arrived Glimmer looked like a proud young woman you knew she was going to be an amazing Queen.

Soooo, How did everything go you ask and they tell you all about the monster and the hologram and stuff.

You than lead them to the newly decorated hall. They look around the hall in amazement, Glimmer was so happy with set up you than go to her and say that today a new Queen has been crowned but that doesn't mean that we forget about Queen Angella instead we should be remembering her.

Glimmer, Bow and Adora than come and hug you while they all had tears in their eyes

They all said Thank You you were so happy now that you had seen your friends happy especially Glimmer.

But than you remembered what Shadow Weaver had told you so you sneaked out of the hall and made your way to her chambers.

You knock and she gives you permission to come in.

She was sitting on the chair reading a book unmasked

She signaled for you to come and sit next to her

You go and sit next to her and she sighs " I wanted to talk to you about what happened in the portal reality" she said as she put her hands on yours

Your heart sank "Oh you still remember that" you said

Yes I remember it quite well she said

You didn't know what to do you were so flustered but you remembered Queen Angella's advice

You let out a sigh and said I love you very much but we have to wait at the moment my main focus is to save Etheria at all costs and if I want a relationship with you I want all my attention on you

She looked shocked she had never thought that anyone would care as much as you did and she also understood that you had responsibilities at the moment She said that she will help you as much as she can

You were happy at how understanding she was and you appreciated the support you only wished that everybody else saw how helpful she was instead of remembering the bad she had done

She gave you a kiss goodnight and you made your way to your chambers you got changed and went to bed you were about to fall into a deep sleep but than you dreamt of Light Hope how you had given her flowers you also remembered that she did something wrong but you couldn't quite pin point what she had did but the words "THE HEART OF ETHERIA" got stuck in your head suddenly your whole body seized and started hurting you tried screaming but it hurt so much you than see Shadow and Adora run into the room and than everything goes black.

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now