Princess Prom

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We almost had all the princesses join the alliance the only princess left was Frosta
As you were walking towards your chambers you saw a scroll on the floor and had decided to open it
You ran towards Glimmers room and she burst the doors open yelling Princess prom! Princess prom!
You were just as excited as they were but confused you decided to ask Adora what a princess prom was
She said I have no idea
You both grinned at Glimmer and she asked what's wrong
Ummm, what's a princess prom Adora asked
Glimmer than proceeded to tell us all about it
Well we better get dressed, Bow had than announced that Perfuma had asked him and he said yes, Glimmer looked quite upset, Meanwhile Adora was making battle plans on how we were gonna convince princess Frosta
You paid no attention to whatever Adora was saying and ran to your room, you picked a beautiful dress and wore your hair up, you also had done your makeup and worn high heels

Everybody was now ready and we decided to head down to the Kingdom of Snows, Bow went to go pick up Perfuma so You, Glimmer and Adora went the rest of the way.

As we entered we had to surrender all weapons which included my staff and Adoras sword
Adora was not happy about it

As we entered we met Mermista, Seahawk who was Mermistas "ride" and Entrapta

We than went and greeted Frosta who was a child which was a little bit of a surprise

 Bow and Perfuma had than arrived wearing matching outfits, Glimmer was so not impressed

But than there was a silence in the crowd and you had a weird feeling suddenly a cat like figure and a scorpion tailed woman arrived you looked at Adora and she did not seem happy

Adora ran up to Frosta and tried to convince her that they were up to no good but she didn't listen

Adora had than came and explained what had happened and so you both decided to keep and eye out for them it was not long until Bow and Scorpia both went missing than suddenly Frosta's palace had started shaking and shards of ice started falling from the ceiling it was a trap. Adora had ran after Catra and you decided to look for Glimmer

You had gone outside and you had seen Catra hanging on to Adora as they were mid way down the cliff

Suddenly Catra fell and a scorpion shaped aircraft appeared. Both Bow and Glimmer were captured and they also had the sword and staff.

You helped Adora up the cliff and she said WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW !

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