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You hear giggling all around you
You wake up to see the princesses surrounding you trying there best not to laugh you shake Shadow so she can wake up
She says A few more minutes babe
You blush even more you wished you could hide at that point
The princesses all start laughing
Shadow than finally wakes up and looks around her and says OH FUCK
Hey they are children around you say
Frosta than grunts and looks at you

OMG you guys are so cute the princesses say
You guys CANNOT tell Adora please you say
Ok fine as they say as they exit

You get up and get dressed and go to the meeting tent
You greet everyone and say OK so the plan today is to save whatever citizens are in trouble OK
So King Micah, Swifty, Spinerella, Frosta and Netossa are going to go to Elberon since there was some activity of the Horde there I want you guys to investigate while the rest of the princesses will help me gather the rest of the villagers

and Everybody please be careful

You all go your separate ways
As you inspect villages the people seemed to be zombified somehow but you see some sort of chip at the back of their necks you realize that Horde Prime is chipping the people of Etheria
He also had chipped some of your friends Spinnerella and King Micah
You were slowly losing it you had no control over anything and you didn't know if Adora and her team were OK
Someone suggested that Peekablue was able to see through the universe so you send Sea Hawk, Mermista, Scorpia and Perfuma to see the infamous Peekablue
It was the worst mistake you made Scorpia and Mermista ended up getting chipped and Peekablue was fake it was that bastard Double Trouble but Entrapta was able to get a call in apparently there was an armada of Horde ships blocking the way into Etheria so it'll take longer for them to come back

You had HAD it you were flustered and scared and the bloody fucking camp was being attacked you had enough, but you realized it was your own friends attacking the camp

You couldn't fight them you turned your head towards Shadow and she was being strangled  by Micah but he was using magic so you tried and counter back using your strongest spell but he deflected it you had enough you couldn't see anymore of your friends getting hurt you than feel power coursing through you

You feel like SHE RA again you shout FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL you than transform into a different outfit than the usual and have a different staff

You than strike Micah with your staff and block of the entire camp they all had retreated

Shadow looks up at you as she lie drain on the ground you touch her and she comes back to life

You and her than put an invisibility spell on the camp hoping Adora and the team come home soon

You look at the remainder of the princesses and they all are cheering SHE RAs back

You felt as if you were normal again you looked towards Shadow but she looked away she seemed worried she made her way to the tent and you decided to follow her

You asked her what was wrong she takes a deep breath and says I have to go to Mystacor it's a stretch but I think there is something there that will be useful towards the mission
You say than I'll come with you
No y/n your needed here she brings her hand up to your cheek and slowly wipes away the tears falling from your eyes
But what if something happens to you I'll never forgive myself you say
Don't worry babe I'll be with Casta and I am a pretty strong sorceress she says
Okay but write to me and be safe you say

She takes of her mask and she gives you a long kiss to the point where you both are gasping for air you than help her with a teleportation spell just before she disappeared You both screamed I LOVE YOU to each other she was gone

You cried yourself to sleep that night

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now