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I can't believe we did that all of us princesses said Adora well not all of us You said
We all headed out that morning to try and help the whispering woods since the bots were trying to destroy it so we started eliminating all the bots not going to lie it was kind of fun but Bow was getting concerned we all had gone to back to Brightmoon and Bow called in a meeting
As we all know we are trying to save the whispering woods but at what cost we have been out there for days but the horde hasn't even deployed a single soldier bow said he added that we should capture a bot for him to study
I agreed we better go the smart way instead of the hard way I said the Queen agreed too
It's the next day and we set out to go capture a bot but the bots look different more advanced Adora manages to capture one but it self destructs. Light Hope had been teaching us on how to transform our sword and staff so Adora and I transform it into a rope to try and hold it still the other princesses also helped us and we were successful before the bot could self destruct bow had removed something
We all helped carry the bot home and bow started studying it
He started to do the thing that Entrapta does where she talks into the recorder anyways he open the bot up and saw first ones tech the only person who was able to work with first ones tech was ENTRAPTA so that meant that she was still alive but If she was still alive why work for the horde, why didn't she escape or send us a signal, that also meant that we had left her behind.

The Past, The Present And The Future Shadow Weaver × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now