Getting them together

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October 31st was celebrated in the wizarding world greatly, because it was the day Voldemort was killed. But for the Potters, it was the day they lost 2 kids. 

James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus walked into an old nursery where Iris and Andrew should have grown up alongside their younger brother, Harry. 

They picked up old toys and pictures, tears rolling down their cheeks. 

"It's been 16 years James" Lily cries. 

"We'll find them Lily. Even if it takes 50 years to do so" James says. 

Suddenly there was a big white flash causing all 4 of them to jump back. 

There was a note there, Remus picked it up and read it loud. 

Dear Potters,

If you want to see your lost daughter and son please come to Hogwarts right now. 


Lily had hope in her eyes, but the 3 men were angered that this is probably someone joking. But they went anyways. 

When they arrived at the great hall they weren't the only ones there, there was Moody, Tonks, basically the order of phoenix (what was left of it), and the Malfoys. 

"Is this some kind of sick joke???!!!" James yelled. 

"Harry I think your dad has gone mad" Ron whispers to Harry. 

"My 2 kids have been missing for 16 years and now someone wants to joke about it!!!" James yells and Harry looks down at the mention of his older sister and younger brother. 

Then there was a orange like magical portal and out stepped a man with a red cloak.

"Hi I'm Stephen Strange" he introduces. 

"I was the one to send the note to all of you to meet here, bacause Iris and Andrew Potter are alive but are just living under different names, and don't know who their actual parents are. I'm going to bring them here along with some others to react to movies about their lives. Just remember they don't know about their real family, so it might be hard for them to understand" Strange says. 

"You know them?" Lily asks softly. 

"They are colleagues of mine. Well they will be in the future. Their current names are Natasha Romanoff and Peter Parker" Strange says and then he leaves. 

Then another portal opens and 7 people drop on the floor, well 6 people actually fall, one redhead woman lands on her feet and laughs at the pile of guys. 

"Not funny!" Atleast 4 voices say. 

"Kid?" Tony asks after he gets up from the pile. 

"Mr.Stark?" Peter's muffled voice comes. A couple of minutes later all of them straighten out of the pile. 

Anotherrrr explaination laterrrrrrrrrrr. 

"Why don't you introduce yourselves" McGonagall says. 

"I am Natasha Romanoff" Nat says and people could see the resemblence between her and the Potters. She had Lily's red hair and green eyes but she had James' facial structure. 

"Bruce Banner" 

"Steve Rogers"

"Thor son of Odin" Thor boomed loudly causing people to wince.

"Thor keep it down a bit! Anyways, I'm Clint Barton" 

"Peter Parker" Peter says cutely and some people coo at him. Even his resemblance with the Potters was noticable. He had messy hair and hazel eyes like James. But he had LIly's facial structure. 

"Tony Stark" Tony says lazily and puts an arm around Peter's shoulders, causing James to get a bit jealous, he was Peter's dad, not this person who he has never met. 

"You 2" Strange says pointing to Nat and Peter "should know your real parents. James and Lily Potter" he says and then leaves.

Peter and Nat look at each other, confused. 

Tony frowns a bit, the kid meant a lot to him, he was like his son, but Peter's father is actually alive. No, he doesn't want to share Peter, the kid was the only thing keeping him sane right now. (GET READY for SOME JEALOUSY In FUTURE CHAPTERSS)

"But - I - I though - my p = parents - plane crash" Peter stumbled on his words and Tony pulled him closer so that the kid wouldn't go into a panic attack.

"How is this possible?" Nat asked softly and Clint put an arm around her shoulders. (TOGETHER FOREVER! CLINT! AND NATASHA! BEST FRIENDS!! sorry I had to)

"You were taken from our house on halloween, 16 years ago. We looked for you everywhere but after 2 years you both were declared dead" Lily says, tears roll down her cheeks. 

10 minutes later, after everyone is composed and sitting down in the great hall which was now filled with comfy couches. The Avengers sat together on one big couch. Peter was in the middle and on one side was Tony, who was beside Peter and on the other side of Tony were Bruce and Thor, and on the other side of Peter was Natasha and beside her, were Clint and Steve. The Potters, Sirius, and Remus were sitting on the couch beside them. And the rest were spread around the room on the couches. 

"Shall we start?" Dumbledore asks and a note appears with some dvds and a huge tv screen appears in the front of the great hall. Dumbledore reads the note out loud. 

The movies you all are going to be watching are;


Captain America : the winter soldier

Avengers : age of Ultron

Captain America : Civil war

Spider-Man homecoming

Black widow

Avengers : Infinity war

Avengers : endgame

Spider-Man far from home

That's the end of this chapter

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