Watching the Avengers - part 23

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Tony laser cuts a big piece of broken metal. He then jumps on it, relieving the rotors. On the other side, Clint's men enter the port side. Steve looks down.

"Why are you just standing there like an idiot??" Nat asks. 

"Gee thanks Nat" Steve says and Nat only smiles at him. 

They begin shooting at him and throwing grenades. Steve jumps to the other railing and down with Clint's men. He begins to take them down. A few more enter, firing. Steve grabs a gun and jumps back up to his position, firing down at them.

The gunfight has gone down, but more of Clint's men enter and are taken by Fury.

Fury: They are not getting through here, so what the hell...

Suddenly, Clint fires an arrow down to the bridge and explodes critical spots. Clint releases a multi-tipped arrow towards Fury, but instead hits his command desk, right above a USB outlet. Fury fires at Clint, but he is already gone. The arrow then self- activates and inserts itself into the outlets, hacking every single monitor and main frame. The hacking causes Engine 1 to shut off. Suddenly, the Helicarrier begins to tilt to one side.


"Nice aim!" 

"Nice shot!"

Clint only smirks. 

Agent: Sir, we've lost all power in Engine 1.

Fury: It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?

Still shaken by the Hulk ordeal, Natasha sits there, rocking back and forth. she touches her earpiece.

Natasha: This is Agent Romanoff. I copy.

Natasha springs up and runs for Clint.

Most of the girls cheer for Nat who blushes a bit but still smirks. 

Tony begins to push the rotor using boosters from his boots.

Fury: Stark, we're losing altitude.

Tony: Yeah. Noticed.

"Don't know how I couldn't have" Tony says. 

The rotors start propelling faster and faster as his boosters get more and more bright. On the other side, Steve continuously shoots at Clint's men. Steve slides off the railing, but grabs onto a loose cable.

Thor runs into the detention section where he finds Loki, escaping.


Thor: NO!

Thor charges at his brother. Loki walks up to him and crouches down to attack. Thor only goes through him. The false Loki dissipates into nothingness. 

"What the hell just happened?" 

"Language!" Nat, Tony, Clint, and Peter yell causing Steve to huff and roll his eyes. 

The real Loki comes out from behind the cell door, which closes on Thor, locking him up

Loki: Are you ever not going to fall for that?



Lol in the last bit, I thought about having Thor say "no I don't think I will" 

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