Watching the Avengers - part 24

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Clint walks alone down the catwalk. Clint takes an arrow, and points it at Natasha. A hand-to-hand fight ensues. Natasha crawls her way around Clint, making Clint drop his bow, but pulls out a knife on her.

Thor, in a fit of anger, slams MJOLNIR onto the glass cell. To his surprise, the cell door only cracks, but violently shakes the ship. Loki stands there in caution, as does his guardian soldier.

Loki (smiles and walks over to the control panel): The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?

Suddenly, the guarding soldier falls down. Coulson stands there, holding a phase 2 weapon prototype.

The Avengers share sad glances, knowing this is when Coulson dies. 

Coulson: Move away, please.

Loki moves away from the switch.

Clouson: You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?

Coulson is impaled through the heart. The real Loki stands behind Coulson.        

"NO!" mostly everyone yells. 

Thor: Nooo!

Loki sends Coulson against the wall. Coulson slumps down, breathing fast. Loki makes his way to the control switch. He gives his brother one last look and opens the hatch. Loki hits the button and drops Thor out of the ship. 

"Were you ok??" 

"Yeah" Thor says. 

Clint and Natasha continue attacking each other. Natasha kickboxes Clint's face. Clint takes a swing at Natasha, but she grabs his arm, twisting it. Using his other arm, he tosses the knife over and begins to slash at Natasha. 

She dodges every move, but finds herself in a lock hold with him. As he forces the knife down, she bites wrist. Clint lets go of the knife. Natasha wraps her legs around his neck, flips him over and arm locks him. She slams his head into a pipe rail. Clint looks up at her.

Clint: Natasha...

Natasha coldcocks him and he is out.

Thor, trapped in the glass cage, bounces off the jumbling cell pod. As it draws closer to land, Thor tries to swing at glass, but misses. Land draws closer. Thor positions himself onto the glass door and leapfrogs just as the cage is about to hit the ground. The cell crashes into the shore as Thor crashes out into the meadow.

Loki closes the hatch and proceeds to leave.

Coulson: You're gonna lose.

"You tell him!" people cheer. 

Loki: Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky...where is my disadvantage?

Coulson: You lack conviction.

Loki: I don't think I...

Coulson shoots Loki with his phase 2 weapon prototype causing Loki to be blown through the wall behind him.

Coulson: So that's what it does.

People cheer. 

Fury sees on his viewscreen that the hatch has been open.He goes there.

Tony continuously spins Engine 3, giving it all he has. The rotors are propelling properly and fast.

Tony: Cap, I need the lever!

Steve: I need a minute here!

"I don't think he has a lever" Harry says. 

Tony: Lever. Now!

Tony lets go of the rotors. They spin by themselves. Tony is then caught in one. Tony slips into the rotors.

Steve climbs up the loose cable and reaches the railing. Clint's men open fire once more. Steve pulls himself up and finally pulls the lever. A vent opens up from Engine 3. Tony falls out, but the suit is heavily damaged, hardly keeping him up. Tony heads for Steve. Clint's men turn their aim to Tony who tackles him into the wall. Tony rolls over, tired. Cap lets out a sigh of relief.

The carrier that brought Clint and his team now leaves, taking Loki and his scepter. The carrier flies into the distance.

Fury runs in finding Coulson still alive, barely.

Coulson: Sorry, boss. They got rabbeted.

Fury: Just stay awake. Eyes on me!

Coulson: No. I'm clocked out here.

Fury: Not an option.

Coulson: It's okay, boss. This was never going to work... if they didn't have something... to...

Coulson looks away and sighs his last breath. Fury looks grimly at Coulson.

Fury: Agent Coulson is down.

Hill is being treated for a gash on her head, listens on her headset, standing up.

SHIELD agent: Paramedics are on their way.

Fury: They're here.

Steve and Tony listen in as well.

Fury: They called it.



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