Watching the Avengers - part 3

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In Russia, out in the outskirts, a still in construction building, is being shown. 

"Why are they showing this?" A pureblood asks in disgust. 

"Oh yeah, I remember this" Nat says. 

A thug backhands Natasha's face, she feels the pain, but doesn't break down. 

"It's you!" Sirius exclaimed. 

"Were you ok?" Harry asked, concerned. 

"I always am" Nat smirks. 

Luchkov walks up to her. 

Luchkov, in Russian: This is not how I wanted the evening to go. 

Natasha, in Russian: I know how you wanted this evening to go, believe me this is better. 

"What language is this?" Lily asks. 

"Russian" Clint, Peter, and Nat answer at the same time. 

Luchkov, in Russian: I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out a carrier, a stained glass, and other random items. 

A thug rocks her chair back, balancing her off the edge of an open floor. Natasha is now scared.

James, Sirius, Remus, and Harry glared at the screen. The Avengers were scared for her, even though they know she can hold her own, easily. Peter snuggles closer to Nat, whimpering a bit. 

Natasha, in Russian: I thought General Soholob was in charge of the export business.

Luchkov, in Russian: Soholob? Your reputation is quite a progression. The famous Black Widow. Nothing but a pretty face. 

Natasha, in Russian: You really think I'm pretty?

Some people chuckle. 

Luchkov, slowly walks towards a table with tools, and picks up a pair of pliers. Tall thug opens her mouth wide. 

Luchkov, in Russian: We do not need the Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him, well.. (in English) You may have to write it down. 

"Don't you dare!" Sirius exclaims. 

Suddenly, Weaslelly thug's cell rings. Confused, he answers. 

Weaselly thug, in Russian: Ya? (looks at Luchkov) It's for you.

Luchkov, takes the phone pissed: Who the hell is..

Coulson: Your at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have a F22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby.  

Some people cheer while some's eyes widen. Peter relaxes a bit, but still stays near Nat, not that she minds.

Luchov places the cell phone against Natasha's ear seeing how she's tied to a chair with her hands tied behind her back.

Coulson: We need you to come in.

Natasha: Are you kidding? I'm working.

"Working??!!" People yell.

"What kind of work is that??" Lily asks. 

"My kind" Nat responds. 

Coulson: This takes precedence.

Natasha: I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything. 

The aurors nod in agreement.

Luchkov: I don't give everything. 

Natasha gives him a look.

Natasha: Look, you can't pull me out of this right now. 

Coulson: Natasha. Barton's been compromised. 

A beat. 

"Aww look at that you care about me" Clint says with a grin. Nat nudges him but the grin doesn't leave his face. 

Natasha: Let me put you on hold.

"Real shit's about to go down" Tony says. 

"Language!" Nat and Clint say at the same time and Steve groans. 

She nods to Luchkov. As Luchkov comes to take the phone off her, Natasha hits him with her leg and headbutts him. She stands up and starts attacking tall thug bu kickboxing him in the face. Still tied, she rolls over to Weaselly thug after she trips him. She then stomps on tall thug's foot  with the peg of the chair, then knocks him out with her head. 

The people in the great hall watch in awe. 

"Harry your sister is so cool" Ron whispers to Harry who just nods. 

During all of this, Coulson is still waiting on the line, without flinching. 

"How is he staying like that??" 

She then flips over and falls down hard on Weaselly thug, breaking the chair. She sees tall thug stand. Giving her momentum, she runs at him drop kicking him, falls down and flips right back up and wraps her legs around his neck and knocks him out cold. She grabs Luchkov, wraps his leg around with a hanging chain and drops him down the open floor, dangling. She picks up the phone and her heels, like a boss. 

"Woah" people say. James feels proud as he watches his daughter take down 3 men without a problem. 

Natasha: Where's Barton now?

Coulson: We don't know. 

Natasha But he's alive?

"Yeah I am" 

Coulson: We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. First I need you to take to the big guy.

Natasha: Coulson, you know that Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me. 

"That's not true!" Tony says and Nat raises an eyebrow. "Ok mabye it is, but that was before, you know.."

Coulson: No, I've got Stark. You get the big guy. 

Natasha: Bozhe moi. 



That's the end of this chapter. 

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