Watching Avengers - part 1

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"Alright let's start" McGonagall says. 

EXT. Throne room, space

Kneeling behind a throne, a clothed, armored figure, known as the Other, bows. 

The Other: The tesseract has awakened. It's on a little world. A human world. They would wield it's power..

The other faces a horned shaped shadow. Loki. Loki is handed the scepter. 

The other: But our ally knows it's working as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force, Chitauri, will follow. 

Tens of thousands of Chitauri stand ready, the ground quakes. 

The Other: The world will be his. The universe yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?

"Hey!" James and Sirius say offended. 

The Avengers shared a look. 

EXT. S.H.I.E.L.D. Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S Facility 

The faculty is in state of panic. It's an evacuation. A helicopter flies in.                                                           

Standing a few yards from the landing pad, A Fed in a suit with shades, peers at the helicopter as it lands. This is Coulson.

The Avengers look at the scene sadly. 

Walking out of the helicopter is Hill, and following her is, Nick Fury. Hill and Fury approach Coulson. 

Fury: How bad is it?

Coulson: That's the problem sir, we don't know. 

"How could they not?" Lily asks.

"They're dealing with forces they can't control" Tony says. 

Coulson leads Hill and Fury through the the radiation section of the facility. Hundreds of technicians and other staff run around. 

"Wow it's so big" a first year Ravenclaw says in awe and Nat and Clint smirk. 

Coulson : Dr.Selvig read an energy surge from the tesseract four hours ago. 

Fury: NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase. 

Coulson: He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement. 

Hill: It just turned itself on?

"How is that possible?" James asked but was ignored because everyone was too interested in the movie. 

Fury: What are the energy levels now?

Coulson: Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac. 

Fury: How long to get everyone out?

Coulson: Campus should be clear in the next half hour. 

Fury: Do better

"He's trying!" Harry says. 

"You don't understand. They could die!" Nat exclaimed. 

Hill: Sir, evacuation may be futile. 

Fury: We should tell them to go back to sleep?

Hill: If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance. 

Fury: I need you to make sure Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out. 

"Is that really his priority" Steve glared. 

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