Some edits before we start

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A note falls in front of Harry and he picks it up and reads it loud. 

Before we start with the movies, your going to be watching a video, or as we call it, an edit about the Avengers and Peter. 

The first edit starts.

The people in the great hall were scared of Natasha and some stared at her but stopped, after a glare from the avengers. Nat was smirking proudly. Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus were thinking about what kind of stuff she has went through. 

People looked at Clint in awe. 

"Can you teach me how you never miss!" Peter asked excitedly. 

"Of course kid" Clint says with a grin. 

"I'm not a kid! I'm grown up!" Peter says and Tony gives an amused chuckle. 

"Mr.Stark! Don't laugh at me!" Peter gasped and Lily and James were sad (and James was a bit jealous) at how close their kids were with these people when that should have been them instead. 

"Woah! Cool!" A third year says and Tony smirks. People were in awe of the technology. 

Dumbledore knew these people were powerful and he wanted them on his side, he wanted them to trust him. 

"Song suits you well pointbreak" Tony says and people nod in response. 

"how?" Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eyes. 

Peter's spidey senses were telling him something was off with this guy. 

"Science" Nat says not trusting Dumbledore and she made a discreet sign to the team, and they got the message as well. 

"hey I know you! I learnt about you when I went to a muggle school. Your Captain America!" Hermione says, remembering where she heard his name and the muggleborns and some half bloods recall his name as well. 

Steve blushes and looks down at the attention and Nat nudges him, with a smirk. 

Lily's breath hitched as she saw her little baby boy who was just around 16, going through so much. 

"Ok, half of that stuff hasn't even happened yet" Peter says. 

"And let's hope it won't" Tony says pulling the kid close to him. 



End of the chapter!! 

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