Catws - 4

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As Fury drives through the city he instructs his car computer to make a call.

Fury's Car: Activating communications encryption protocol.

"Is that thing speaking??" 

"I want a car that speaks!!" 

"No Theo" 

"But Blai-" 


Fury: Open secure line zero-four-zero-five.

Fury's Car: Confirmed.

Hill: This is Hill.

Fury: I need you here in D.C. Deep shadow conditions.

Hill: Give me four hours.

Fury: You have three, over.

Fury stops at a red traffic light, he looks over to the next car and sees the two police officers in the car look at him with suspicion.

Fury: Want to see my lease? 

The policemen quickly sound their police horn once before they start to drive off, as Fury goes to drive off suddenly another police car smashes into his car, his car is then surrounded by several other police cars crashing into him; inside his car Fury is injured.

"Holy shit"

"Was he okay?" Peter asks.

"You don't need to worry about him sweetie" Lily says, but was ignored by everyone which made her even more angry. 

Fury's Car: Fracture detected. Recommend anesthetic injection. [as Fury is giving himself the injection a SWAT team truck pulls up] D.C. Metro Police dispatch shows no units in this area. 

Fury is surrounded by the police and SWAT team, he quickly realizes they are all disguised mercenaries; to his car computer.

Fury: Get me out of here! 

"It's a car!" 

The mercenaries suddenly start shooting at Fury's car.

Fury's Car: Propulsion systems offline.

Nick Fury: Then reboot, dammit! 

The armor on Fury's vehicle starts to become weaker, the mercenaries bring out a battering ram to break in.

Fury's Car: Warning! Window integrity compromised.

"Wow really, he had no idea" 

Nick Fury: You think? How long to propulsion?

Fury's Car: Calculating. [the mercenaries start to use the battering ram on Fury's car window] Window Integrity thiry-one percent. Deploying countermeasures.

Nick Fury: Hold that order! 

the batterring ram is smashed against the car window again.

Fury's Car: Window Integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised.

Nick Fury: Wait! 

the battering ram is smashed against the window again.

Fury's Car: Window Integrity one percent.

"He's not gonna make it"

Nick Fury: Now! 

suddenly a minigun pulls up from inside the car and Fury uses it to return fire on the mercenaries causing the SWAT truck and some of the police cars to explode.

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