Weird, Awkward, and Kind of Cute

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He grabbed my hand. "Shhh."

We ran out of the theatre just in time to miss the torture of a dramatic romance.

"What now?" He opened the doors and February chills greeted us.

He still hadn't let go of my hand. It wasn't like he'd never held my hand (well, actually I don't think he ever has) but our fingers fit together like two pieces in a puzzle. I think he caught me looking down at our connected hands because he shyly let go and flipped his hair. He always flipped his hair when he was nervous.

"Walk, I guess?"

We walked a couple blocks when it started to rain.

Of course.

Cliché caught-in-rain scenario. I bet you think we're going to start making out in the rain, right? Just wait.

We ducked into a coffee shop because we were pretty much in front of it to begin with. Being in between an frozen yogurt parlor and a sports shop, coffee seemed reasonable anyways.

"Nate! Hello! And his beautiful lady. Welcome to C U Latté! Booth for you guys?" An overly cheery redheaded lady dropped her place behind the cash register and rushed over to Nate and I, squishing us all together with a tight hug.

"Actually we-"

"That'd be great!" Nate interrupted me and brushed his hair back.

I whispered, flustered. "Nate, I don't even have money, I just found out about this-"

"It's fine! Stop worrying so much, I gotcha." We were led to a booth and offered menus.

"I am not ordering anything." I made it a point to be as serious as possible.

"You're so stubborn, Len. Let me pay for you." He smirked and gave me his infamous puppy dog eyes.

"You've caught me in a desperate and starving time, Nathaniel Queen."

"Lennox Campbell, you're lucky to be stuck with me then; charitable, generous... one might even call me a philanthropist."

"Oh my god, shut up." I laughed, pretending to slap him with my menu.

"Charming... good looking... Wouldn't you agree?"

"Hmmm." I looked up in false thought. "Debatable."

He brushed his hair back and looked at me seriously. "How about this pose for my next shoot with Vogue?"

"You're a loser; if anything, I'd definitely be the model of the two of us. On the contrary, I'm very surprised and impressed, even, that you know Vogue!" I blew him a kiss and laughed. "This one for my shoot?"

"I mean, I guess you're right. You are model-worthy, if not super model-worthy."

"Don't bullshit me, Nate. We're both aware you're hot as fuck."

Nate froze.

Shit. What the hell just came out of my mouth?

Luckily, a waiter came to intervene my pathetic attempt at flirting to ask us what we wanted.

"Hello! What would you two like to drink?"

"A hazelnut macchiato for her, and a hot chocolate for me."

The waiter smiled and headed toward another booth.

"How did you-"

"Every single day after school, your mom would drive us here and you'd always get the same thing as her, despite coffee being gross."

"You still remember that? That had to be... what? like fourth grade?"

"Third actually."

"Why did we stop that?"

"You got sick of them and threw up all over the table, remember?"

"Oh my god, yeah! I swore I'd never come back here again." We both started laughing.

"Hopefully no one recognizes you." He imitated third grade me puking on the table.

I kicked his leg under the table and threw my menu at him.

"Gosh! So abusive, Len!"

"You know me! With my anger issues and abusive tendencies! Gotta love me though!" I flipped my hair and sarcastically smiled.

"I do love you." He seemed flustered and began to blush. "I mean your abusiveness, that is."

Shit. It keeps getting awkward.

We sat there quiet for a moment just staring at each other.

I loved Nate's piercing blue eyes. I swear I could get lost in them. Two icy sapphires that always made me question why he wasn't a model or something. And his hair. Fluffy and messy. He had sprinkles of freckles on his nose too, which he always said he hated, but I always thought they were adorable. Nate was stunning.

And it's not that I didn't think I was, but I wasn't as captivating to look at like he was, I guess.

Our waiter came by and set our drinks on the table, topped with whipped cream and marshmallows, along with a plate of rose macaroons and vanilla scones. I waited until after the waiter left to question Nate.

"What the fuck is this?" I whispered/yelled gesturing to the expensive looking plate in front of me. "That's got to be like 3 dollars each! For that tiny little cookie! And we have a whole plate!"

He burst into laughter. "Lennox, are you really worried about this?"

"Yes! Completely and undeniably worried!"

"Well, if you're really curious, just because you stopped coming here, doesn't mean I did. I actually come here a lot, like the owner knows me and stuff. I guess she thinks we're on some sort of like... date, kinda... ya'know? That'd be-"

"Weird. Awkward. Kind of cute."

"Kind of?" He flipped his hair.

"Fine, really cute."



He got up from his side across from me in the booth and sat next to me instead.

We both stayed quiet for a moment. He stared at my lips.

"Would it be weird or awkward if I just kissed you right here, right now?"

"Really cute actually."

And then we kissed.

No, it wasn't in the rain, or in a crowded movie theatre, but in some tiny booth at a coffee shop with an ironic name.

"Damn, I did a good job." He pulled away from my lips and we both opened our eyes to see Harleigh sitting across from us, holding up a menu.

///getting sad because this doesn't happen to me fuckkkhsnaj///

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