Fuck Hoco

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///OKAY SO for frifri HOCO we gonna break up into basically wes pov/har/ramona/possibly lennox all going on simultaneously///

****we gon start off with our baby wesley****


These past seven weeks have been like no other.

I've been lied to, cheated on, arrested, the list goes on, like really goes on.

I mean, there were some good things, kind of.

But I guess that's what high school's really all about.

It's all about the story; the journey in finding yourself. And if I had to find myself through ten beers or twenty shots, man, so be it.

It's about making mistakes and not being afraid to let loose before transitioning into adulthood, so in a way, I was sort of satisfied I had a few stories to recollect for my future kids.

Even if those stories included my regretful relationship with sugar princess Harleigh, or falling in love with my (not so) little sister's best friend.

I stood in front of the full length mirror, staring my attire as a whole. Black button up shirt and black pants. Harleigh picked it out. I felt so out of place.

My phone buzzed from across the room.

Harleigh: change of plans... don't pick me up

wessybaby💘: ok. everything good har?

Harleigh: yeah, love you

wessybaby💘: see you there

"Wes? Can you uh-" Lennox handed me her phone. "Take pictures of us downstairs?"

I smiled. "Sure."

I followed her down the stairs. "May I ask why you're not in your-" She grinned, pulling her flannel out farther, revealing her rainbow FUCK HOCO halter crop top.

"Glows in the dark too!" Along with her hilariously exceptional yet extremely inappropriate top, she wore distressed shorts, obnoxious neon high socks, and her black converse.

"What happened to the dress you bought?"

"Oh, fuck that humiliating thing! That dress was so not me."

Good for Lennox, and Jesus, kudos to her. I knew she wasn't going to change herself that easily, especially not for a stupid school dance.

She was definitely figuring herself out faster than I ever could or did; correction, a lot faster.

And herself was a spunky, independent, tell-it-how-it-is reliable sister and genuine friend. I was proud of her.

I followed Lennox downstairs, where I immediately erupted in laughter in sight of the creative fashion picks Nate and Ramona also partook in.

Nate leaned against the plain-Jane beige wall in an intense rainbow t-shirt with shorts, while Ramona was seated on my/our (still unsure about what to call it now) bed/couch, in an off-the-shoulder white crop top and short, puffy rainbow tutu ensemble.

And even still, Ramona looked incredible.

"Did you guys forget Halloween's in October?" I laughed, gesturing for them to stand in front of the fireplace.

"Bennett's going to be pissed," Ramona whispered to Lennox, loud enough for me to hear, oddly.

I wondered if she was trying to make me jealous.

But if that were the case, why didn't she say anything good about him? Like "Bennett's incredible," or something sappy. It didn't make sense.

I mean, Ramona even mentioning him got me slightly crushed, so her plan obviously worked somewhat.

I just stood there baffled, trying to come up with some logical reasoning behind Ramona still being with that asshole.

She deserved more, so much more- even if that wasn't me.

"Wes? Pics?" Lennox stood in the middle and put her hands around Nate and Ramona's waists.

"Let's try a different pose. You guys look so-"

Nate broke from her grip and got on his knees, both of his middle fingers proudly facing the ceiling. I guess he was trying a different pose?

"Oh my god, you're literally a child." Ramona sighed, her palm fake-slapping her forehead, while Lennox burst into laughter.

"No, stop! We need to get actual pics! I wanna remember this, guys!" Lennox shouted between giggles.

"Your shoot's over. Got some lovely candids. You guys ready to go?" Lennox grasped her phone from my hands and swiped through the pictures. "I know, Lennox, I'm pretty much professional." She smiled agreeably.

"AWH GUYS LOOK! THESE ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!" She wrapped her arms around me, then pulled Ramona and Nate into a group hug. "Can you take one of me and Nate? Then me and Rem?" I could see Nate blushing in the corner of my eye.

//extremely sowwy if you were disappointed with this chapter, it was kinda just a fun filler//

STAY TUNED 4 A DRAMATIC NIGHT *collective oooh's and aaah's from audience*

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