Harleigh Wren Queen (of Hell)

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///still wes pov//

"Did you steal that?" I gestured to the silver crown in her lap.

"What? No- it's pretty much Harleigh's already."

I looked out the window. "Right."

The car ride was long. And awkward. We were quiet.

I thought about mentioning Bennett, but from the looks of it, Ramona didn't seem like being chatty right now.

Well, fuck it.

"Why are you still with Bennett? He cheated on you. With Harleigh, too."

She laughed. Not the happy kind of laugh, but more of the grim, sarcastic kind. "Maybe you're forgetting that I also cheated. With you, Wes."

"Look, Ramona, I don't know why you're ignoring me, or why you've been so distant, or why you can't even look at me right now, but tell me. Please."

"Are you stupid? I know you're not this stupid." I didn't respond. "You wanted Harleigh! Then we have sex; you wanted me. You told me you and Harleigh were over, but then you get back together with her. I don't know about you, but that's enough to give me every fucking reason to hate you."

"You hate me?"

She hesitated. "I haven't decided yet."

"I don't want to have to leave you."


"I'm going to be gone in a couple of months."

"Well, obviously."

"And you won't be there, Ramona."

"So? What's your point, Wes?"

"I can't do that to you- to me- I just can't."

"You're selfish, you know that? That excuse's bullshit. I could deal with you going away, Wes. I could manage. You could even visit some weeks, but you obviously have no interest-"

"Ramona, stop the car."

"What? No!"

I swung my feet into the driver's seat and slammed my foot on top of the breaks. Hurrying out of the car, I stopped at the side of the road and let pizza and punch spill out of my system.

"Wes, what the fuck! Are you okay?"

"I think I was poisoned by that punch."

"Good. You deserve it."

"I'm in love with you."

"Save it."

"No. Ramona, no. I don't know if you've heard, but it's been hard. It's hard dating Harleigh, it's hard being without you, it's hard thinking about the future- it's all hard. I don't know what I want to be after college, or where I wanna go, but I do know one thing, and it's that whatever I'm doing, or wherever the hell I end up, I want you to be there with me. I don't want this to be the end of us. I don't want to look back on my high school years as some kind of burden. Ramona Blake, I love you, and I know we're complicated, and that I'm stupid, but I-"

"I'd kiss you but you probably taste like puke."

"Very stubborn." I crossed my arms and laughed.

Her phone buzzed and we were pulled back into reality.

"Oh, it's Lennox, I'll call her." She put her phone on speaker and held it out between us.


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