The Four-Foot-Ten Raging Feminist Bitch

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It was Harleigh's turn.

I won't bullshit you and tell you that I didn't suspect she'd make up some elaborate made-up story about why she was here.

Ramona handed her the stick and she sighed; I guess trying to find the words to say.

"I'm Harleigh."

"Hi Har-"

"Don't interrupt." Everyone nodded. "Now I most definitely do not have one of those horrific childhood experiences like most of you probably do; my story's a little different. I'll be honest: I do have a good life. I know some people in my school that would probably murder their first newborn child to be me, but that's beyond the point. Point is, everyone's allowed to pity themselves. Everyone's allowed to be sad. So don't think because I'm pretty or because I seem to have it all that I'm denied the privilege to be upset because some have it worse." She uncrossed her legs and looked at the floor. "I like to drink. Not because the taste or anything, I actually hate the bitterness of it all, but I drink for the feeling that comes after you've had too much... the simplicity, the easiness... It's incredible how everything wrong disappears for that short while you're wasted. I wish I could feel like that all the time. I make so many mistakes, you see, and I never know why I ever think it's remotely okay to be this villain, but I guess it just feels good to be bad. I don't know... I guess I just got a lot of messed up things going on. I love myself, but I hate myself all at the same time. I can't remember a time I was ever truly happy... I just... I tell myself I'm okay and that everything's good, right? And it never is. People say it's hard being the loser in high school, but let me tell you from first hand experience, it's just as hard being the 'popular' girl."

Everyone fell silent; Ramona widened her eyes at me.

Ms. Kat said comfortingly, "We're here for you."

"Yeah!" The group consoled.

"Who wants the stick next?" Harleigh said shyly, waving the stick lightly.

"I'll take it!" Wyatt yelled excitedly.

Harleigh passed it along.

"Hi guys! You know me, I'm Wyatt. Isaac's hair is straighter than I am." He gestured to the curly, sandy hair colored, tanned, surfer boy looking kid who sat next to Rosie. He laughed.

"Stop flirting with my boyfriend." Rosie laughed.

"Oh shut up, Rosie, I'm adorable; you wouldn't understand." He smirked. "Anyway, you'd imagine in a world even as harsh as this one, I'd be liked, right? I'm average, I'd like to think I'm funny... Also approachable and friendly... And yet despite all these good qualities about me, nothing matters except for the fact that I'd rather be with a guy than a girl. School was always rough; I wasn't good at sports or anything... But it's the teachers that are the worst. They see it all, and they said nothing... absolutely nothing. I guess a student getting two broken ribs and a busted lip was the least of their problems, right?"

Rosie got up and gave him a hug. "We love you, Wyatt." He gave her the stick and she walked back to her seat.

"I guess it's my turn, well... I may have anger issues. Maybe. And well, there was this fuckboy at my last school who called me this raging feminist bitch, which is true, so I fucked him up real good." She smiled proudly, and Ms. Kat smiled approvingly. "I broke his leg and-"

"That's enough, Rosie." Ms. Kat interrupted, still a smile plastered on her face.

The rest of the group shared their depressing stories, and I was praying everyone would forget I didn't go yet. But of course, the stick was passed back to Ms. Kat, and just when I thought I was free, she gave it back to me.

"I'm Wes."

"Hi Wes."

I cleared my throat. I didn't really know what I was going to talk about, but then it came to me.

As much as I wanted to talk about Ramona, I wasn't here to talk about her. I was here for Harleigh.

"I'll just tell you guys a story. There's this girl that I liked for like eight years, seriously though, pathetic, I know. And so when I finally started dating her, she proved to be completely different than the girl I always imagined her to be. I even started to hate her. She was a real bitch... But I learned why she was that way, and now I... She's inspiring. She's amazing, incredible, beautiful, smart. And I don't think she sees that in herself. So I guess what I'm just saying is that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. People can really surprise you. I think it's safe to assume she's going to be a really good friend."

Harleigh stared at me. I smiled. Ramona held my hand for a moment. "She needed that," she whispered.

"Well, I guess that marks the end of breakfast group talk." Ms. Kat smiled, getting up and taking her magical stick back. "Go upstairs for crafts or music time, everyone! See you tonight."

Just as I was getting up, I had been surrounded by Rosie, Wyatt, and sandy, curly-haired beach boy. "Oh... Hey guys."

"You up for some music?" Rosie asked.

Ramona got up and joined the circle that had formed. "Sure, why not!"

Harleigh narrowed her eyebrows and stood in front of the curly-haired boy.

"As long as he's in." She winked.

"Back off. He's mine." Rosie growled, rolled her eyes, and jumped in front him. "His name's Isaac, by the way, just in case you missed that." She smirked, intimidatingly. Rosie was only about 4'10, but damn, she was terrifying. "Isaac Finn. I know he's beautiful; just look at him. Oh yeah, he's deaf too."

"Looks like you found your mini match, Har." I teased.

"Great!" She glared at me.

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