Chapter 19

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A/N: hey guys sorry i haven't updated in a while I've been ill i haven't felt like doing here you go my lovelies :) i hope you enjoy i personally think that its a bit rubbish but my next update should be better....

Love you

Charlie xx


"So does this mean we're together?" Ella asked Harry

"Yep!" He grinned at her


"Great, now I'm the only single one" Niall moaned

"Aww, don't worry Nialler, I'll try and find you some one" I said patting his head

"Gee, thanks Carls" he said grumpily

"Cheer up Ni, you'll find your princess" Ella reassured him, this made Niall smile.

"Do you guys wanna crash at my place tonight?" Niall asked

"Yep" we all chorused

"Well, come on then we're here" he said as the van stopped and he slid the door. We all climb out after him. Ella and I grabbed our bags, that we had take to Eleanor's with our stuff for the concert in, and we walked to join the boys as they walked up the path

"Hey, let me carry that Babe" Zayn said taking my bag from me

"Zee, it'a not even heavy love, i think i could of managed" I sighed taking his hand

"Yeah but I wanted to carry it" he said "like I told you before anything or my girl" he said squeezing my hand gently

"Oh shut up you big soppy thing" I laughed kissing his cheek as we walk through the front door. Zayn left my bag in the hall and then lead me in to the living room where Niall, Harry and Ella where sat watching tv.

"Carly?" Ella asked and i sat down next to Zayn and circled into his side

"Yeah" i said she looked kind worried about something

"You know Mel's coming up on Monday for a few day?"

"Yeah I know she is babe, why?what the matter?" I asked

"Well is she gonna hate me?" She asked, the boys shot her a confused look

"Why would she hate you, Love?" Harry ask pulling her closer to him and wrapping his arm around her

"Because i'm dating you" she explained "she kind of in love with you, Haz"

"Ells, don't worry, she'll want Harry to be happy" I told her "so don't worry about it, okay?"

"Okay" she said "but i blame you of she kills me on Monday" she said

"Let watch a film" Niall said "jumping up from the sofa and grabbing a DVD case and inserting the disc then returning to his set.

"What are we watching?" I asked

"Grown ups" he said with a big cheesy grin on his face, i'm guessing he likes this film. I nodded in response and turned my attention to the tv.

The move ended, Niall informed us as to where we would be sleeping and we all went to our rooms.I was sharing with my very handsome boyfriend. I collapsed on to the bed as soon as we entered the room and kicked my shoes off

"Oh my gosh I'm so tired" I yawned

"I know babe, me too" Zayn said crawling on to the bed next to me in just his boxers. God i'm lucky to have him i though running my eyes over his abs

"No, I think it the other way around, Carls" he said "I'm lucky to have you"

"Oh Christ, Did i say that out loud" I said blushing

"Yeah, but its fine" he laughed as i rest me head on his chest and closing my eyes

"Are you gonna sleep in skinny jeans" Zayn asked

"Yeah? Why?" I asked confused

"Won't that be uncomfortable?" He asked making circles on my arm with his finger

"I'll live, I'm too tired to change" I moaned as a massive yawn escaped my lips

"Okay, go to sleep, baby" he laughed as he pulled the quilt over us

"Night Zayn, I love you" I asked moving closer to him

"Night Beautiful" He said kissing the top of my head

I was woken up by the day light pouring in through the window. I untangled myself from Zayn very slowly so that i didn't wake him and made my way to the en suit and started getting ready.

When I emerged from the bathroom Zayn was still asleep so I made my way out of the bedroom and in to the living room where i found Harry and Ella curled up together on the sofa asleep aww they look so cute together i thought to myself and continued into the kitchen to make Zayn and I a cup of tea.

When I got to the kitchen i found Niall sat at the breakfast bar eating some toast.

"Hey, Niall" I said as i flicked the kettle on

"Hey carls" he said

"Do you want a drink Ni?" I asked him as i make mine and Zayn's

"No thanks, i'm good" he smiled taking a bit of his toast

"Okay, I'll just take this to Zayn" I said making my way back to the bedroom and setting the mug down on the bed side table

"Zayn?" I said poking him a bit he just groaned and rolled over, so i jumped on him

"Bloody hell, Babe!" He grunted as i landed on him "you way a ton" he joked wrapping him arms around me

"Well, it did it job cus your awake" I laughed as i pressed my lip to him"Now get up lazy bones and i made you a cup of tea by the way"

"Fine and thanks beautiful" he smiled

"No problem" i said leaving the room

"I love you Carls" He called after me

"Love you too" I shouted back

A/N: I'll update soon guys xx

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