Chapter 33

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

A/N: Sorry i haven't updated in a while guys but i've had a rather busy summer holiday... anyway so this update it dedicated to Liam Payne as it's his birthday tomorrow and he's so sweet and always stands up for us when most other people can't stand us! I love him so much and i hope you enjoy this part!

Love you guys

Charlie 💜 x

P.s i'm taking danielle out of the story I love payzer but liam's got a new girl now so in this story he's single :p


Carly's PoV

We are now back at Zayn flat, we had eaten dinner and were cuddled up on the sofa watching X Factor (A/N: i know its not on in the summer but oh well)

"Does it alter the way you watch the programme after you've been on the show?" I asked Zayn as I was curious to find out what his answer would be

"Yeah, definitely, I feel like I can relate to the contest way more than i could before, because I know what they're going through, it's a really tough process to go though if the public don't have you back you don't get very far in the competition" he explained

"Oh right, um Zayn i need to talk to you about something" I said deciding that now was a good time to talk to him about what's gonna happen when I go to uni.

"Okay I'm all ears" he said muting the TV and turning to face me

"Well, next week i have to go back home to get ready for Uni, but it'll only be for a couple of days just so I can pack my stuff up and then I'll be back in London" I explained everything to him

"That's fine, Carls, hey, why don't you move in with me when you come back to London? the University is only a couple of tube stations away from here" he suggested, excitedly

"That sound great, Zayn, but are you sure?" i asked not wanting to be a hassle to him because I know how busy stuff can get with One Direction stuff

"Of course i'm sure babe! I wouldn't of suggested it if i wasn't" he chuckled

"Alright now thats sort out I think we should go to bed" I said looking at the clock "God knows what those boys have planned for Liam tomorrow" getting up from my seat next to Zayn

"Sound like a good idea it could get a little cray cray" he said

"Cray cray really Zayn?" i said giggling at his sentence

"Yeah, ain't nothing wrong with a guy using that phrase" he said defending himself

"Okay, whatever, lets just go to bed" i said laughing as I made my way to the bedroom with Zayn following me.


Liam's Birthday


Zayn and i arrived outside Liam's flat with his bag of presents in tow. Zayn took my hand as we made our way up the font path. We rang the door bell a very hype up Louis answered the door.


"Hi Lou" I said chuckling at his craziness as he pulled me into a hug

"Hey Louis" Zayn said laughing at him as well "can we come through the door?"

"No" Louis said with a serious face

"Louis, will you just let them in please?" Eleanor called sounding frustrated, Louis sighed and allowed us through the doorway

"Hi guys" Zayn and I said in sync, we got a chorus of 'hey' and 'hi' we took a seat next to Louis and Eleanor

"Happy Birthday Li!" I grinning at him

"Thanks Carls" I said returning the gesture

"Can we do presents now?" Louis asked

"Geez, Lou, anyone would think it's your birthday not Liam's" Harry said said laughing at him "And yeah we can do present now"

"Okay, us first" Louis said pointing to himself and Eleanor and handing the present to Li

"Fine Lou" Liam said, taking the present off him, Liam opened the strangely wrapped present,

"Wow thanks guys" Liam said pulling out a photo frame with a picture of us all in and a batman mug

"Me and Harry next!" Ella said handing Liam a neatly wrapped parcel, Liam opened it, it had a top man gift card, an itunes gift card and the next superman movie, then Liam thanked them

"Me next!" Niall said handing Liam another parcel, he had got Liam a bar of Cadburys dairy milk and the new Justin Timberlake album, Liam thanked him

"Okay now it's mine and Carly's turn" Zayn said taking the bag of presents from in front of me and passing it to Liam

"Cheers guys, I was looking for a couple of new snap backs, who picked them out?" Liam asked

"Me" i said

"You have good taste Carly" Liam said smiling at me

"Yeah i know" i said jokingly, winking at him

"Zayn's rubbing off on you love" Harry laughed causing the rest of us to laugh along with him.

"So what are we doing to day?" Liam asked

"Lazer tagging, Nando's, movie night and sleep over" Niall said

"Sounds great lets go!" Liam said excitedly

Lazer tagging was so much fun Eleanor and I came second and Liam and Niall won, Zayn was gutted but he soon got over it. At Nando's we ordered the big party platter (A/N: I dont know if they do this i've never been to Nando's) Niall ate most of it and then we headed back to Liam's place for a movie night and sleep over

A/N: i'll continue with the movie night and sleepover in the next update because i have to go! i hoped you enjoyed this part 😊

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